View Full Version : I.B.S/Acid Breathing?

23-09-13, 01:57
Hi guys

Basically for about a year now i have been suffering from what i can only think is IBS and Acid Reflux, i went hospital about a year ago with stomach pains and they said i was just constipated. Now since then, with out getting too graphic, my stools are not normal texture like they use to be, the colour is normal but the look/texture is sort of...fluffy if that makes sense. (sorry) also i am going between hard stool or going once a day but very little to some days going 4 or 5 times with diarrhea. also my chest sometimes in the morning, sometimes after eating feels very strange, almost like is hollow. nothing there, no pain as such but very uncomfortable. also sometimes i can't burp and it just feels like if i do try and burp something will come up out of my throat. I very rarely get the horrible taste in my mouth, i have had it a couple of times when sleeping that wakes me up, but thats very rare. its been doing my head in and because of my anxiety disorder i am scared of going to the DR incase he tells me its something serious or life threatening. In terms of my breathing, it sometimes feels like i can't get a deep enough breath, my breathing is absolutely fine apparently, but when its at its worse especially after eating my stomach goes rock solid and as i say feels like i need to keep taking a deep breath! Can anyone help or relate? Sorry for the graphic post btw.

23-09-13, 16:32