View Full Version : My GAD

23-09-13, 04:55
So - I think I'm coming to the end of a long road/embarking on a longer one. Thought I would post, see if people have had similar experiences, or can lend some advice.

Years ago, a decade or more, I started having crazy stomach issues. Couldn't eat out with friends for fear of the runs, couldn't enjoy a half a cup of coffee, etc. learned to just deal with it, and then it got worse. Abdominal pain, reflux, pencil thin stools, etc. went to all kinds of doctors convinced I had colon cancer. With the exception of scopes (which are scheduled in December) they have found no signs of any real issues. A small gluten sensitivity, but not much else. No concerned and I have felt better since having a long and frank discussion with the specialist. In fact, since that appointment, things have not been perfect, but have been significantly better.

Starting about a year ago, I started having panic attacks. At first I had no idea what they were. Thought I was dying. Ended up in the emergency room more times than I like to admit. Had all sorts of tests and nothing was wrong. EKG, blood work, stress test - all fine. But still never convinced. The pain is always so intense and so real.

I started therapy at the time and was told it was like I had GAD. Seemed unlikely to me I NEVER FELT ANXIOUS. after months with one therapist, I quit. I thought I was barking up the wrong tree. Then my panic attacks increased, my stomach got worse, I engaged in some poor behaviour (I was scared) and I had a wake up call. I realized there HAD to be an issue.

Went back to a different therapist with a more open mind. Again, GAD was brought up but a different approach was taken. She helped me understand the disorder, helped me understand how I fit in. Even today I tell her that I don't FEEL particularly anxious or stressed, but she says that's normal. But my actions and behaviours suggest otherwise. That's my first question. For people with GAD, did you actually FEEL anxious or did you just not feel normal? Anyway, I've been in cognitive behaviour therapy for the past 2 months Nd have noticed improvement. Not fixed, but better.

Tomorrow I have my first appointment with the psychiatrist as my therapist thinks I'm a good candidate for meds. Next question: what meds have you taken? Experiences? I know it's different for everyone, just want a sense of it. What did you have to give up? Drinking? Pot? Don't do these regularly, but are they off the table now?

Lastly, lately I've had wild crazy pain in my jaw, neck, shoulders and chest. Of course I googled (also have bad health anxiety) And heart attacks show up. Also was on Cipro and that led me down a dark rabbit hole. But doctors have checked everything and, or course, I'm fine. Do people with GAD experience these pains? They, at their peak are excruciating. All four hurt. At their best, lately, it's just the nck and shoulders with mild jaw pain. Dentist checked for tmj - said nothing showed on X-rays, but gave my an appliance anyway and some muscle relaxants. Took them once, it was a miracle, but then I googled AGAIN, and now am afraid to take them. This is my pressing issue. This pain is getting unbAreable. I was given the pain med tramadol, but it made me feel awful (though cured the pain).

Just want to know if my experiences are normal/consistent. Looking for strength in numbers. Also advice. Anything.


23-09-13, 08:31
Hi Brackett,
Anxiety is a hole that many of us find ourselves in, and we all struggle to get out of. There are a hundreds of anxiety symptoms, and for those who experience them, they are very real. This is because they are real. When our minds fix onto symptoms and see them as dangerous, then our brain will respond with a flight or fight response. The problem is, if the symptoms are indeed stress related, then you will enter the anxiety loop... Thoughts cause symptoms, causing more fearful thoughts and so on.
If you have been checked out and there is no medical reason for your symptoms then you have to start accepting that all of this is anxiety, and is perpetuated by your worry about the way you are. It sounds so easy doesn't it.... If you allow yourself to feel the symptoms without adding fear then they will eventually, after time, subside.
Oh, so easy to say.... Not complicated... But so difficult to do.
Practice is all we can do... Practice, practice...
Try and have the attitude that it will be O.K....
Give up struggling to find an answer, because there isn't one... Just let it all go...
Good luck.

23-09-13, 10:44
First, panic is an extreme form of anxiety, so it seems you have an anxiety disorder.

As for GAD, for me it meant persistent anxiety over a range of daily issues that most people deal with or put out of their minds.

This doesn't sound like what you have described for yourself. Nevertheless, you may still be suffering from an anxiety-related illness that your doctors are aware of but doesn't tick all the right boxes.