View Full Version : Hello...again.

23-09-13, 12:05

My name's Debs, and I have just joined NMP after a long time away.

I left a while back after feeling the time was right for me to try things alone, as I felt pretty stable with stuff, and wanted to move on a bit, but now regret that move as I always found the site such a support.

I had depression and anxiety/panic attacks which resulted in a breakdown 9 years ago. I had 18 weeks of counselling and was on and off Citalopram for several years, until I was able to wean myself off it (I'm a nurse by profession) 2 years ago. Since then I have been pretty much ok, with just the odd panic now and then, but I had found ways of dealing them myself - deep breathing, distraction methods, etc.

I gave up nursing in 2009 after a long period of being unhappy and stressed in the job. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I passed out whilst on shift one morning, which I now know was anxiety driven through hyperventilation. (Unfortunately, I have a tendency to pass out with severe panic attacks. ) It was the hardest decision to make to leave nursing, but I just couldn't do it anymore, and decided to try to get happy.

Since then I have been working for myself, selling clothing online, and I honestly love what I do, but I now find my anxiety back with a vengeance, and I am terrified as I was before my breakdown.

I have had a period of feeling just generally worried about stupid stuff - mostly health worries which I know in my head are irrational to worry about, worries about my families welfare, worries about life in general - money, decisions I make, etc, and this has now developed back into first palpitations and breathlessness again, and now the 'mental stuff' - feeling spaced out, depersonalisation/derealization, edgy, etc.

I am usually able to manage the symptoms and they go after a day or so, but this time I am struggling after 4 days of it. I am crying every 5 minutes through the tension I feel, and am thinking that I may have no choice but to go back to meds. It took me a long time to get off meds, and I am so sad to think I may need to take them again. I am so glad the site is here, as I know just how supportive and helpful everyone here is.

I just don't know what to do anymore. Just when you think you have conquered it, back it comes.:weep:

Thank you for accepting me as a member again.x

23-09-13, 12:17
Hi Debs, it is hard when you think you have conquered it and it comes back. The same happened to me but I am picking myself up again and getting stronger every day and you will too. You just need to have some time to rest and take each day as it comes. :hugs::hugs:

23-09-13, 13:16
Hi Annie,

Thanks so much for your kind reply. It really, really helps so much to talk to someone/people who understand and experience the same things. It is great that you are feeling stronger. I am trying to tell myself that this is just a glitch, but it is amazing how even after all this time it still is so frightening.

Thanks again.:hugs::hugs::hugs:x