View Full Version : Work anxiety after three weeks off

23-09-13, 13:26
Tomorrow is my first day back at work after three weeks off. During my week off my husband and I had the wedding of our dreams and a week and a half on our honeymoon in Tunisia. It'm still in awe about the whole experience and barely believe it's even happened!

I spent last weekend wrestling with my phone trying to find out my rota, only to get a text from my boss saying that I have to speak to a different manager to get my rota as I'm not in my usual shop. Heart's going. It took me two days to find out where I am, to find out I'm working all managing shifts, three in a different shop and the four in my own. I'm nervous, really nervous. I only do cashiering shifts (due to confidence) and because my rota was made up late I got the shifts that were left. The manager said that there are surplus cashiers and not enough managers. I've just sorted out keys so I can open this blooming shop tomorrow. This weekend and today has been dominated with apprehension, more than anything. I hate managing anyway but to be out of practice is making the feelings worse.

I'm trying to use today as a day for me (husband is back at work today) by catching up on my novel writing which I've neglected since the wedding, housework, reading up my book for my college course which starts next year and just staying mentally active. I also need to get out of this lazy state I've been used to for two weeks. I started my first CBT session last week so I have homework to catch up on.

I need some words of encouragement. Just to keep my nerves down and my mind focused.

23-09-13, 14:13
You'll be fine :)

You know it, I know it, the universe knows it :)

Just let yourself be apprehensive. Notice what happens when you do. you might get a little spike in nerves but it's soon replaced by openess. The alternative is contraction and tension. so open up and relax. you know come tomorrow you'll still have the skills to do everything you need to do regardless of how you feel.

23-09-13, 14:35
you know come tomorrow you'll still have the skills to do everything you need to do regardless of how you feel.

Last time I had three weeks off I forgot my login and password to use my computer at work! Let's hope I don't forget anything else that's important :yesyes:

23-09-13, 18:53
Last time I had three weeks off I forgot my login and password to use my computer at work! Let's hope I don't forget anything else that's important :yesyes:

lol. This is why I have to write everything down!!

24-09-13, 12:18
It's always hard going back after time off. Sounds like you've had added stress of uncertainty about your rota and the management shifts. But you are trained to do this job and after 10 minutes you'll feel like you've never been away!

Congratulations on your marriage!