View Full Version : urine

rachael t
23-09-13, 14:13
Can anyone help please i have just had full blood test done and all came back fine i also had a water sample sent of and it came back with trace of blood in it but no infection im now paniking it could be something serious kidney or prostate cancer doctor asked if i was on a period before but i wasnt i was due on thought as anyone else gone through this

23-09-13, 14:18
Very common with urine tests and especially with women

23-09-13, 15:35
I wouldnt worry about it ive been threw the same thing. I had a trace of blood and protien in my urine at a physical a couple months ago. They had me go for an ultra sound and they didnt find anything wrong so I kinda just live with it. In my case it was microscopic. My brother also has this issue from time to time. My kidney functions for the last 2 years have been normal, So if everything came back normal other then a trace of blood I wouldnt be to worried.If you are a women I wouldnt worry to much about prostate cancer XD

23-09-13, 15:42
I have had loads in the past and sometimes its caused by erm sex lol if it was anything serious it would show in blood tests I am sure, try not to worry but if you are still concerned the nurse is the best one to see regards this as she see women all the while regarding these issues.

rachael t
23-09-13, 15:44
Even though theres no infection im seriously scared x

23-09-13, 15:46
I had no infection, It was just there for no reason, nothing serious ever came of it.

23-09-13, 15:50
i had no infection at the time either, we women have strange bodies x

rachael t
23-09-13, 15:50
As yours gone now all my doctor said was test in 2 week i mean i cant live wiv this fear for 2 wk

23-09-13, 15:55
It's probably still there(meaning me), I was supposed to see a kidney doctor but after having a ultrasound, chest xray 24 hour urine test 4 CBC's and other things that all came back normal I got tired of worring about it. There are many benign reasons for there to be Trace blood. My doc said i probably had spongy kidney or Thin basement syndrome of which are both harmless. Like I said also my brother has the same issues, its a very common problem I think something like In 50% of microscopic hematuria Cases a cause cant be found.

rachael t
23-09-13, 16:23
Thanks im scared of tumours blader cancer my friend said she had it and it turned out to be kidney infection but wouldnt that have shown up on bloods or water sample at lab

23-09-13, 17:08
Hi Rachel, I'm sure this is nothing, just to let you know as well that you can't have prostate cancer, as this is something only men have. I have had traces of blood in urine before and it never turned into anything serious.

23-09-13, 18:01
I have had it several times and nothing was ever found.

If you are really going to worry for the next two weeks why not ask if you can get the nurse to test another urine sample for you earlier.

rachael t
23-09-13, 18:50
Just got bak frm doctors she reasured me that its comon and was going to check today but im on a period so would not be rite she said dont do it till week after a period to be on safe side and that the cause of blood could be because i was due on period hopefuly

23-09-13, 18:57
There you go see - I said it was common with women

23-09-13, 19:11
Hematuria (blood in urine) can be caused by so many things. From a urinary tract infection (UTIs are more common in women) to menstrual blood contamination in the sample. It can also be related to some of the bad stuff--but that's somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 to 5% of the time.

I went through this myself. I saw a urologist, and there is a protocol to do a workup and imaging to make sure everything is ok. In my case, my urologist did a cystoscopy (camera into the bladder)--that was ok. Then he wanted me to do a CT--and before it got approved, I ended up passing a kidney stone.

Statistically speaking, there is a very low chance there is something wrong--and I would tell your brain that. However, I would still talk to a doctor (primary or urologist) and see if they feel any labs and or imaging workup should be done. Even if it is only a kidney stone or UTI, they should be able to tell--and even those benign conditions may need to be treated or monitored.