View Full Version : Help for;If you feel like you are going mad?......

26-10-06, 14:27
God! This is sooo great and something that means so much to me and hopefully will give someone else some comfort!

Okay my panic came back about 3 months ago after 2 years of relativley nothing. Anyway, this time the symptoms of the panic had changed and I absolutely thought I was losing my mind. This was also heghtened by the fact that my mother was diagnosed with Bi polar 5 years ago. I was absolutely terrified that I would become like her (awfull but true). So instead of pretending this wasn't happening or avoiding reading about panic etc, in order to not deal wiht it. I was forced to read stuff to see if I was indeed losing it?
This site was my way forward and I read about depersonalisation( I feel disonnected from my son,partner and myself like I don't know who I am) etc. So this info really helped! But more importantly.................
Okay! soo I saw the Doctor yesterday and we went over my childhood, and the issues that I believe are a direct result of all of my neurosis.
He said.....Your issues are psychological not psychiatric!! You are not experiencing abnormal mental health problems, but are reacting to a traumatic event - life, that any other normal person would react too!!!!

Oh my god!! I know it sounds so basic and obvious but just hearing that from someone whose professional opinion I respect is a medicine in itself - WOW!!! Now when I have the panicky feelings and then feel like I am going mad I can just play that convo over and over again until I just believe it for myself! ha! 1 back to me, minus 1 to panic(past). xxx


26-10-06, 14:37
It's amazing how the words of a stranger can comfort us isn't it? I feel like that every time I read 'Self-Help for Your Nerves'. She could be talking directly to me as far as I'm concerned.

Glad you have heard something that will help - long may it continue to do so!

***And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance***

26-10-06, 21:02
I sooo know what you are talking about. I went to the docs yesterday and thought she'd section me under the mental health act but instead sent me on my merry way with some leaflets on councelling - i didn't even get anymore citalopram. I'm a bit scared as i am going through a bad patch and suffering the depersonalisation (mostly with myself this time round) and am trying to cope on my 'own' without the safety net of citalopram.
It is so terrifying at the time but as everyone sais you aren't going mad and i do believe a lot of it is psychological not psychiatric.
This site has been a great help to me, the support is unbelievable:-)

26-10-06, 21:14
Hi there im new at this and jusst got started please talk to me when im online i need some friends over this panic issue. Ive been on and off it for years but now docs suggested seroxat and im a bit scared of taking it as i took it years ago and took ages and lots of hallucinations to get off it can someone offer an alternative?

thanks loli

26-10-06, 21:55
Nice to relate to others!
I guess the whole meds thing for me is something I feel strongly about.
Doc prescribed citalopram yesterday but I don't intend on taking them.
1. possible side effects seem worse than how I feel.
2.I have supressed my feelings for years so why take meds to continue that?
3.I want to feel responsible for my recovery not have the crutch of meds
4.Why allow a vulnerable person the chance of having to deal with another issue like addiction or anxiety over withdrawal?

THEY ARE MY FEELINGS...YOU HAVE FIND WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU.(there are some posts on here that deal wiht meds and how they make you feel, positives and negs, check it out :D
I have created a plan of action in order to put certain strategies in place to reduce my anxiety - hepl myself!
Relaxation,eat better,bach rescue remed,CBT- through doc etc etc...Most helpful hints are on here :D
Good luck!
