View Full Version : Dentist Injection!

23-09-13, 16:50
I've just got back from yet another dentist appointment. My initial fear went by my third visit and I can honestly say that it really doesn't bother me anymore. That's down to an understanding, lovely dentist and the treatments having been (relatively) pain free. I don't get anxious about going and I don't feel anxious when I'm in there. :yesyes:

Anyway, it was all going good today. I went in, we had a general chit-chat, I sat back in the chair and she went to give me the anaesthetic. Everything is fine - needles don't or have never bothered me. The second she started injecting I suddenly felt my hearing disappear, I felt a bit lightheaded and everything for a split second felt unreal. It took about 30 seconds for my normal senses to return and then I felt fine and had my treatment without any problems. I have never had a reaction like that before and it shook me up a little. I'm feeling a little quesy and light headed this afternoon (as I have been on/off for a few days) but don't feel ill. My next appt is next Wednesday and I'm hoping it doesn't happen again. It was such a weird feeling!

23-09-13, 18:13
I've just got back from yet another dentist appointment. My initial fear went by my third visit and I can honestly say that it really doesn't bother me anymore. That's down to an understanding, lovely dentist and the treatments having been (relatively) pain free. I don't get anxious about going and I don't feel anxious when I'm in there. :yesyes:

Anyway, it was all going good today. I went in, we had a general chit-chat, I sat back in the chair and she went to give me the anaesthetic. Everything is fine - needles don't or have never bothered me. The second she started injecting I suddenly felt my hearing disappear, I felt a bit lightheaded and everything for a split second felt unreal. It took about 30 seconds for my normal senses to return and then I felt fine and had my treatment without any problems. I have never had a reaction like that before and it shook me up a little. I'm feeling a little quesy and light headed this afternoon (as I have been on/off for a few days) but don't feel ill. My next appt is next Wednesday and I'm hoping it doesn't happen again. It was such a weird feeling!

Hi Michelle, it is great that you are able to visit the dentist panic and anxiety free and that you have such a great dentist.
I usually feel weird when they give me the anaesthetic, my body kind of goes a bit 'fluttery' and feels strange, I don't know if my mind is making this happen or it's just a small kind of reaction , Did you eat before you went? I became shaky and weak once after having anaesthetic and was told by the dentist that I must eat before visiting next time.
Hope you are feeling better now, probably just a temporary thing and you will gradually feel better as the day goes on.
Good luck for next week, sure you will be fine. :hugs: xx

23-09-13, 18:36
Firstly, can I say a massive well done! You did brilliantly to overcome your anxieties of the dentist. Keep it up!

I'm a woss when it comes to dentists and injections and what you experienced was just a reaction to the anxiety. It's class A anxiety symptoms. Like Almamatters says, make sure you have something to eat - and remember to brush those teeth as well! I also have a sweet afterwards just to keep the blood sugar up.

Those symptoms may not happen when you go back next time, or they might. If they do it doesn't matter, know why? Because you now know they are only anxiety symptoms and won't hurt you. The more confident you get they less they'll happen.

You're a fantastic role model to everyone here, let us know how it goes :)

23-09-13, 18:49
A BIG well done to you :D

23-09-13, 20:38
Thanks ladies. I didn't feel in the least bit anxious though that's what was weird about it. The feeling just came from nowhere. Guess I just have to put it down to one of those things. I feel fine now - just a bit sore. I won't let the experience put me off! xx

23-09-13, 20:54
If you didn't feel anxious then don't put the two together. Have a nice cup of tea and put your feet up, ow and give yourself a pat on the back!

Vanilla Sky
24-09-13, 08:37
Ask the dentist to give you an injection without adrenalin in it , will make a huge difference

24-09-13, 11:04
I agree with Vanilla sky
I was just coming on to post that, I do have a fear of dentists but that's another story and it has got better over time but when I come out I get the shakes badly and feelings of panic (which is ok I don't mind so much once im out) and someone on here explained its the adrenalin that's in the injection.
it will make a difference if he can give you one without, mine wouldn't but it just made it easier knowing what it was.

24-09-13, 11:51
Thanks guys - I didn't even realise that the injection contained any adrenalin! I'll see how it affects me next week and go from there. It's never happened before so hoping it doesn't happen again. xx

purple to black
25-09-13, 08:36
My dentist told me that due to all the nerves in the gums that sometimes it can cause some odd feelings especially if the injection is at the front of the mouth. Well done for not panicking though, I'd have been off the chair and out the door.

25-09-13, 09:46
I think you really need to discuss it with your dentist before you go again. I had a very bad experience with an injection. As it was wearing off I started to get bad muscle twitches in my abdomen which eventually moved to my legs and feet mainly my calf muscles and the side of my right foot. I also had a bad burning feeling under my skin. I think the burning was due to candida yeast in my system but I had to really battle for a week to get that under control.

I still think I have the yeast problem which moves around and caused me to have derealisation on and off from the beginning of this year.

I still have the muscle twitching but nowhere near as bad, but on doing some research on the net, it turns out the twitching can be down to a bad reaction/overdose of the anaesthetic.

It's down on my dentists notes that I had a very bad reaction to the anaesthetic and now they won't give it me!

Don't want to alarm you too much but talk to your dentist before your next appointment - wouldn't want you to go though what I've had.