View Full Version : alcohol and citalopram

23-09-13, 17:31
I have been on 20 mg of citalopram for two and a half months and have not had any alcohol till two days ago. I drank about 7 beers and got pretty drunk. I felt very ill the next morning and my anxiety was bad again. It is two days since I drank and my anxiety is even worse this morning. My anxiety was doing really well before I drank and I am just worried I will not get back to that same point. Did I totally screw the progress of my medication or will I eventually start to feel better? I have learned my lesson not to drink while on this medication. Has anyone had the same reactions?

25-09-13, 09:41
Whenever I have had more than a few drinks on citalopram, i normally feel anxious and 'rubbish' for the next two days before i feel better again...so you should be starting to feel better again anytime now.

26-09-13, 05:21
Thanks for the information. Still feeling anxious and my stomach is still hurting me (especially in the morning). I am trying to stay positive that I will get back to the way I was feeling before I decided to drink. I know things will get better.

little scientist
01-10-13, 11:33
I would say be cautious with alcohol. Especially in excess - if I drink to excess I feel pretty crappy the next day, physically and mentally, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a drink of an evening after work say :)

05-10-13, 11:41
I was on Citalopram last year and i got drunk one night I became so upset that i wanted to end my own life. I took all the Citalopram i had. My house mate came home and called Ambulance. I got wired up to machines to check i wasn't going to have heart attack.
I was in a very dark place in my life and at that time alcohol nearly killed me.

I would leave it until you finished with the SSRI's before trying a beer again. An up and a down don't mix well.

10-10-13, 12:23
I haven't had any alcohol at all whilst on citalopram as this was my doctors advice. Let the meds do their job and don't interfere with it.
It will sort itself out.

12-10-13, 16:45
I think alcohol increases the side effects of Citalopram, which can include anxiety and suicide ideation. It increases the sedative effects with me. I had a beer and a brandy last night (on 20mg Cit), slept for a good 15-16 hours and still feel like I'm on sedatives. If you are sensitive to alcohol while on Cit is usually worth just giving up alcohol. I pretty much have and when I do drink I always regret it! Sick of it now, though, I'm just going to come off the pills.

12-10-13, 17:07
You will get back to normal, but alcohol can clock citalopram from working properly, so the next day your anxiety will be higher, and if you combine that with a hangover then it isn't good news !

You can drink on cit, but only in moderation really, a couple of drinks may be ok, but getting drunk probably isn't a good idea