View Full Version : Losing weight.. through pooping?

23-09-13, 18:10
Hello everyone. I weighed myself last night and I clocked in at 13st 10lbs. That was after a full day with little to no pooping activity. I weighed myself just now and I weighed 12st 10lbs. I have been really gassy today and have been to the toilet at least 9 times and pooped each time. Is it really possible to lose that much weight just from emptying the bowels?

As a side note I have eaten a bowl of cheerios, 2 sandwiches, an apple, a banana and a packet of crisps today.

23-09-13, 18:19
This may seem a silly question but did you use the same scales both times. Weight can fluctuate throughout a day anyway, so for instance I am 3-4lb lighter in the morning than I am in the evening.

I can testify also that prolific 'pooping' can also cause weight loss. I got salmonella years ago when I was in Tunisia, I lost a little over 2.5stone in just over a week, but without wanting to go into graphic detail the pooping was quite spectacular! I am quite sure you have nothing to worry about but if you keep losing weight may be worth a visit to the GP.

23-09-13, 18:53
It's been fluctuating for a while now so I think it's quite normal. I just ate a packet of crips and weighed myself again and low and behold I've only actually lost 2lbs. The scales were cheap digital ones from Wilkos so they're probably not quite accurate anyway. Thanks for the help though!

24-09-13, 00:10
There's a comedian named Ron White that asked....

"Did you ever take a sh*& so big you lost a pants size?" ~lol~

Think about it.... you eat a salad, a 12oz steak, a baked potato and some veggies and that's a pound right there not even counting the amount of liquid you drink. How many here have had a good sit and had to give the toilet a courtesy flush? **raising my hand** ~lol~

Just saying ;)