View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms

23-09-13, 20:30
Hi all
Just wondered what sort of symptoms people have with their generalised anxiety? Xx

23-09-13, 20:37
Hyperventilation - which leads onto chest pains
Tingling in the hands and sometimes feet
Feeling out of control - or lack of control
Fear of failing the situation
Impending doom
Needing a wee more
Lack of appetite
Dry mouth
Hair pulling and skin biting

23-09-13, 20:46
Yeah I have most of them apart from the hair pulling and skin biting! Do you find yourself doing that to release the anxiety? X

23-09-13, 20:53
Unfortunately its a condition in its own right (or so I'm told), the hair pulling is called Trichotillomania. It's an impulse condition where I get urges to pull my hair, which is satisfied by the pulling and so on. The anxiety exacerbates the impulses so I pull more, which I rarely do when I'm not anxious. When I'm very anxious I don't notice I'm doing it until I realise my hand is on my head with a few strands of hair wrapped around it. The skin biting is exactly the same but hasn't been mentioned by a GP.