View Full Version : Worrying about not worrying?

23-09-13, 22:04
Today i have been so calm it is unreal! like absolutely 0 anxiety or 0 panicking about anything...its the first time in years...and i have absolutely no idea why or how i have done it! i have no pains, no aches nothing....but its got to the night time now and im worrying about not worrying....is that normal...ive been stressed and anx for years every day with out let up and it just seems so strange with out obsessing over something....i been able to just sit there and relax with a smile on my face....thoughts anyone?

23-09-13, 23:39

I know what you mean, I really do! If I'm ever not worrying I'm like why? Why? What's wrong. it's almost like worrying is our safety net, to shield us from danger ( in our case illnesses and such) and I do feel that to. It's so so hard to relax and enjoy life I find! Good for you you relax and don't worry. Hold on to that feeling. You are not alone in this. :hugs:

24-09-13, 10:58
it is very normal to worry about not worrying !!!!
im glad you have had non worrying day.... enjoy them and store it in your memory so when you have a bad day you can look back and know that the bad days aren't forever.
the good days will get more and more .... and I agree with tinker worrying can become our safety net and that is not a good thing.
I am now almost recovered certainly way more good days and not many bad days but it is still an odd feeling at times to not worry so I know what you mean. I have changed my thought process and enjoy the worry free days.

24-09-13, 11:02
I have had a couple days when I feel good, and it actually feels really weird. I've suffered for so long it's rather unsettling when I do feel good lol. Can't win.