View Full Version : MRI

23-09-13, 22:47
I had my routine follow up MRI tonight after they found an arachnoid cyst in January. now I can't sleep...
I'm really worried as the first thing the nurse said is the doctor will look at the scan now... And then I will get my results in 2 weeks... They didn't say anything about a doctor last time and I'm just dreading a call tomorrow :(

I've been feeling really dizzy again and I've been getting weird tingling/crawling sensations all over my face and now my legs :( I can't cope anymore... I wake up thinking this is the day something horrible will happen :(

It's ruining my life :( I can't stop thinking why she said that at my MRI and I can't seem to just pull myself together anymore...

23-09-13, 23:36
Doctors will always be the ones to review a scan as they are the ones that know to read the scan and what to look out for on them......it is nothing to worry about, just completely normal procedure.

I am sure that the tingling may be anxiety related as you have been stressing over the scan and now stressing over the results.

try to keep calm and I hope the results are fine, which I am sure they will be.

24-09-13, 08:26
Thank you.... I just want to know that if it was anything serious I would know by now.... :(
I've woken up this morning with all this pressure behind my nose and I'm convinced something is wrong like pressure in my head :(

24-09-13, 09:47
That is the typical symptoms of a pressure headache which again is just a normal anxiety symptom.....I got them lots, to the point of my head feeling like it was going to explode at any moment....which of course it never would lol

I am sure they would let you know asap if there is anything to worry about, which it more than likely isn't, try not to worry, as they say, no news is good news xx

24-09-13, 11:08
Thank you for your reply..

I am feeling awful today, I wonder if this anxiety of getting my results..

I feel sick, dizzy, my eyes keep going funny, pressure in my face and head, stiff neck and tense muscles :( I honestly feel like I am about to go (meaning die, collapse, faint) I can't cope :(

25-09-13, 11:33
Hi, Well I stupidly just phoned the MRI people about my results.. He said that if it was something serious it is unlikely I would know till my report in 2 weeks time. This has scared the living day lights out of me! I thought I would have known by now if it was something serious so started to relax... obviously this isn't the case :( Has anyone else had an MRI and experienced this?

26-09-13, 09:08
I know a few people who have had serious things and been contacted early. I think that was a really unhelpful thing to say, I'm sorry it has added to your anxiety. BIG hugs.

When I am particularly anxious, I go through the forums and answer everything I think I can be a tiny bit useful with - even if it's just a "I had this too" - you will notice my flurry of activity this morning! ;) It really helps to focus on other people for a while. xxxxx

26-09-13, 09:26
Thanks for replying... I like your advice!

When you say early, do you mean a few days... Mine was Monday so I am hoping all is well now! I was having a huge discussion last night with my fiancé. Its easy to think straight when your feeling well however when your feeling physical symptoms its almost impossible.. I just think the worse and that something awful will happen! Just need to put my rational thinking into effect when I am panicking! At the end of the day even if it is something, worrying about it isn't going to make it go away!

I hope your not suffering to badly this morning!

26-09-13, 10:36
I work in a GP surgery and you find that alot of the MRI/CT results if anything abnormal, come through the same day, the doctor will then try to call, if not write if contact can't be made(i type the letters). However if all appears to be normal its usually just waiting until your appointment to discuss the results. On a personal note my GP told me when giving my bloods results over the phone the same day i had a chest xray that if there was anything untoward i would hear from him by close of surgery that same day, if i dont hear anything that day, its came back normal.
Might help your thinking? xx

26-09-13, 14:52
Thank you for your reply.

That's good to hear! I thought that was the case to... Its just this guy on the phone scared the living day life out of me! I suppose I have to remember that he doesn't know I suffer with HA.

Thanks though, it has helped me to feel better :)

26-09-13, 15:03
Hi there, never had an MRI scan but I had a chest x-ray a few years ago due to stabbing pains in my chest. The x-ray was carried out at the hospital and the doctor called me that evening to tell me I had a pneumothorax.

I've had several x-rays since then and never had a call back, and when I go in to discuss results after a week or so, all is normal.

27-09-13, 09:16
Well, I think I have some good news...

Just phoned to see if they have my results.. she said they have been looked at but are waiting to be authorised....

I am assuming this is good news as I haven't heard anything from them? Can anyone advise?

I have been having awful panic attacks the past few days over this and I'm feeling miserable and so scared :(

27-09-13, 09:42
No problems. Some people forget that when theyre on the phone to someone, they could well be anxious so he didnt deal with it very well.
Good luck!! xx

---------- Post added at 09:42 ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 ----------

If theyve been looked at, and youve not heard anything i would say everything is fine. Every one has to be signed off though, even when theyre normal. Keep your chin up xx

30-09-13, 10:46
I have an update and I literally feel like I am about to breakdown...
I phoned the Neurosurgeons secretary up and they have my results.. Now she wouldn't give them to me over the phone but my follow up appointment wasn't until December so shes moved that to a week today now. First of all its worried me that they have moved the results forward. Secondly she went very quiet on the phone and didn't say much, this has also worried me...

I have called my doctors up and asked if they can ask for the results as I just can't wait.. Its scared me so much!!

Any advice please?

30-09-13, 11:06
did they move it forward because you were anxious or because they need to see you urgently? there is a difference.

A few weeks ago I had a CT scan on Thursday evening and was expecting the results in 2 weeks. Imagine the terror when they phoned me Friday afternoon with an appointment Tuesday. Turns out it's because it was all clear and the consultant was about to go on holiday so they just wanted to 'get me off the books' so to speak, plus she knew i was anxious.

30-09-13, 13:14
Hi Darren,

Well I told her I was worried and asked whether they had my results and she said yes, they have a cancellation on Monday and would I like to see them then.

I phoned the doctor to see if he could get my results sooner he said he can write to them but that's it!

I am so so worried :(