View Full Version : Hit the top of my head

24-09-13, 00:18
Hi! I was bent down trying to plug something in to my outlet when I stood up and hit the top of my head pretty hard on the corner of my shelf. The hit was the top front kind of near my hairline. I didn't feel dizzy or lose consciousness, I just kind of stood there for a moment clutching my head in pain, and sat down for a bit. I still don't have any strange symptoms other than stinging pain from where I hit it, and a little headache. The problem is, I've heard a concussion sometimes doesn't cause any symptoms. It's pretty late, and I'm ready to go to bed, but I'm afraid of the dangers of sleeping with a potential concussion. Do you think the way I hit my head is enough to give me one? I can't exactly go to anyone to ask to monitor me, since I'm studying abroad in a different country.

24-09-13, 00:33
Hi! No I think you will be fine, I have hit the exact same spot and had the exact same panicky thoughts! You have hurt your head but you haven't damaged your brain in all probablility.

Just be aware that when you get into bed you may well begin to 'feel' symptoms. Either take a book ar visualise a holiday you had when you felt wonderfully relaxed. See the sea, hear the waves... that type of thing.I'm pretty sure you would know by now if you were going to get concussion. You would have a bad headache in the meantime.

24-09-13, 13:13

Ouch...I know how that hurts so much when you do that (done it myself) A few years ago, I misjudged the height and whacked my head on the roof of a golf cart of all things, lol. I have never experienced a whack like it, and had a huge lump and bruise in the same place as yours, but I was fine.

The guideline 'watch' time after a head injury is 2 hours post injury, and during that time there are a few things you have to look out for - increased dizziness/sleepiness, persistent headache (usually a bad one), and vomiting. Those are the main three, as they all indicate pressure inside the head from the injury.

If you have had none of those things - the sore head you describe sounds normal as you have had a nasty bang to it - the odds are you are fine.

If you DO find you are experiencing any symptoms like this, do try to get checked out somewhere, even if it is simply a check up from a general doctor who can check your neurological observations - check your pupil reflexes, blood pressure, etc. which indicate a lot!

I am sure you will be ok x:hugs:

11-07-18, 11:11
I hit my head 18 hours ago on the metal handle of the door..was picking something up and lifted my head very quickly and had a bad hit...I feel a little sick and slightly dizzy but think maybe it is panic .My pupils are fine...no blood anywhere..a very tiny lump on the top of my head but sore to touch...not much of a headache...my neck feels a bit squashed but ok...what does anybody think please

11-07-18, 11:38
Sounds to me like you'll be fine (that's referring to both the OP and 'Paniker'). If you can clearly remember the event and immediately after, that's good. The head has a very rich supply of blood to the scalp and is very sensitive so what you've described sounds pretty typical. A few weeks ago I had an 11kg object fall on to my head from a height of about a metre and that made me a bit wobbly and gave me a massive bump, but I would appear to be fine. My brother-in-law is a radiographer and he sees a lot of head trauma - mine, apparently, was nothing!

11-07-18, 11:41
Thank you...really appreciated...a bit scared but trying to be logical and not panic

11-07-18, 15:46
I think a lot of neck pain from incidents like these is because we tend to try and wrench ourselves violently away from the obstruction we've just hit to protect ourselves.

In the past, I've done the same on the edge of kitchen cupboard doors, a metal garage door, a metal equipment tray in a technical area and of course, my last one - which was one of those old-fashioned tape recorders with the big reels of tape! My first memory of bashing my head was aged about three or four and I fell over at home and hit my head on a heavy tiled fire surround.

Somehow, I am still here and it hasn't knocked any sense into my head either! :)

11-07-18, 17:48
I think a lot of neck pain from incidents like these is because we tend to try and wrench ourselves violently away from the obstruction we've just hit to protect ourselves.

Could also be the neck muscles absorbing impact?

11-07-18, 17:58
Thank you Pamplemousse...gosh you really have had a lot....of shall I say..experience

11-07-18, 21:25
Could also be the neck muscles absorbing impact?
Yep, that too. The tape recorder certainly gave mine a work-out, I can tell you...