View Full Version : grasping at straws...

26-10-06, 15:53
I was wondering if anyone else does this. It seems so crazy to me, but here we go.

I am normally a very rational person. I don't believe in "magic," although I am open to the possibility of the things we call "supernatural" being caused by some logical means that we simply do not understand yet.

So why is it that anxiety attacks make me look for reassurance in horoscope, tarot cards, runes, magic 8-ball toys, and even an on-line yes or no "floaty pen"??? I know it's nuts, but it's self perpetuating. If I get an answrer I like, I get rational and remind myself that it's all silliness... but maybe if I get that answer TWICE... so I do it again. And if I don't like the answer, I try again, too. I've actually found myself making decisions based on this crap. I KNOW it makes no sense, I KNOW there is nothing to these things, but I just want reassurance so badly that I go there anyway.:( Has anyone else got anything remotely resembling this?

26-10-06, 16:07
er....yes all the time!
I am always looking at the Magic Eight ball.
How ridiculous. Also with the magpie thing. If i see one magpie, i desperately search for the other. To the point that i consider getting out of the car and hunting done the blighter!

I also considered going to a clairvoyant, but my mum advised against it...Just in case!!!!

It is just the need for reassurance in us. I used to be able to get it from my Mum with the constant 'Yes you will be alright'
now that doesnt seem to be enough so i search for it elsewhere.

Irrational in its self eh!!!! Just reside myself to the fact that yep i am nuts!!!

Hay x

26-10-06, 16:10
God, it's good to know it's not just me!!!! Thanks so much, hayles!