View Full Version : Called in sick to work yesterday, can't do it again today...

24-09-13, 09:20
I don't want to go down that path but I feel so awful. Jittery, nauseous, heart beating all over the place, not "all there" in my head, ribcage feels tight. Just the thought of having to go get on the train right now makes me want to cry.

Need some encouragement to get through this day!

24-09-13, 09:55
Bless you I know how you feel, you can get through this! It's just anxiety and it will pass if you let it. Just accept that it's your body's natural reaction to a perceived threat and once you give your mind some positive assurance there is no threat then the sensations will go subside.
Have a great day!

24-09-13, 11:59
I was where you are not that long ago. I used to lie in bed at night and panic about the following morning's train journey.

I now jump on and off the train no problem. I am on Citalopram.

24-09-13, 12:17
You should try get some rest. All the anxiety, fear and panic is consuming a lot of your energy, and it just keeps feeding the cycle.
What you can do is, go through today telling yourself that you need the rest, and that you'll rest as soon as you get home from work.
when you get back home, just don't worry about anything else, try not to think about anything else, except on yourself.
You can watch a funny movie just to lighten the mood, but then focus on resting your body and your mind.

Take care of yourself! Cheers!

24-09-13, 14:51
Thank you, everyone. Today has been better than expected other than feeling exhausted. Just going through a really tough time right now. I appreciate all of your kind words.

24-09-13, 15:08
Hugs. xxxxx