View Full Version : Anal cancer worries now - what next?!!

24-09-13, 10:17
Have had an 'uncomfortable' feeling in and around the area of my coccyx/back passage for a while now, together with awful muscular aches and pains in my buttocks and down the backs of my legs. Got it into my head now that it will something sinister and a growth of some sort.

Have got no bleeding in bowels or anything and recent blood tests okay (apart from slightly raised white cells which Dr wasn't bothered about - but I am!).

Have had a bad few months HA wise and this is now something else to fret about.

Also, have had a few days of a general unwell feeling and not sure if that's anxiety related but it feels a bit different. Saturday morning, went into town shopping and felt unwell, legs felt jelly/lead-like and felt awful - then I always seem fine by the evening.

I am just about to be made redundant - very stressful and the thought of going out and finding work again whilst feeling like this is adding to everything. I'm 56 and need to work but it's just one thing on top of another at the moment.

I want to put it all down to anxiety but after all my ultrasounds and bloods were clear, I may just be 'brewing' something that they haven't discovered yet and am terrified. My hypno doesn't seem to be working as the family said I'm no better for it. I know all it all in my head but I just can't get my brain to believe it!:weep:

24-09-13, 10:21
You could have piles maybe that is causing the discomfort

24-09-13, 10:36
Thanks Nicola - but surely wouldn't feel like this with just piles?

24-09-13, 10:57
Well that was all I could think of for the "'uncomfortable' feeling in and around the area of my coccyx/back passage "

Maybe ask the doctor about the other pains in your buttocks and legs