View Full Version : Spaced out....

24-09-13, 10:40
I'm having real difficulty focusing of late. Not mentally focusing (I've always had a problem with that :0) ) but constantly staring into space. As soon as my mind wonders i find it difficult to focus my eyes especially when driving which is really concerning!! I think it's connected with tiredness but I've also been experiencing a lot of body shocks at night recently (Or heart & brain zaps)...can anyone else relate?

24-09-13, 12:01
Anxiety and fatigue can do this. Also, have you had your eyes tested recently? I find I have similar problems focusing when I'm not wearing my glasses and I only have fairly mild short-sightedness.

24-09-13, 12:27

I get this when I'm stressed out. It doesn't feel like anything is real and I just can't focus on anything xx

24-09-13, 12:42
Ive had this for a week now, its horrible. It dont help that i focus on it, that adds to it. I also have a cold and a ruptured ear drum :( but its horrible, i cant focus witout staring into space etc x

24-09-13, 13:39
@ Yenool: Yes, i had my eyes tested a while back they actually had to decrease the strength of my glasses! @Bumble Girl: I agree with the not feeling real thing. It's almost like i'm still dreaming sometimes and then all the lights seem really bright! @Shivmarie: Nice to know i'm not alone!!:bighug1:

24-09-13, 19:43
It's rubbish it's coming and going now I hate it it's effecting me big time. I feel like I'm constantly swaying and spaced out xx

24-09-13, 23:42
Oh yes, I often feel like this at work. My brain AND my eyes feel spaced out, plus the heart and brain zaps at night.

26-09-13, 10:27
Yeah see i felt fine this morning, put my headphones on to do my typing and now i feel weird, so im definitly thinking its my ear, getting brain zaps aswell now :-( x

30-09-13, 10:20
I'm going sober for October i'm thinking that might help, i do like the odd glass of wine of an evening which increases to the old bottle at the weekend! It should help with the tiredness i should think!

30-09-13, 10:23
Im stopping drinking altogether, i didnt drink that much on saturday night but i blacked out :-/
I should not of drank on tablets and antibiotics id been on for the last two weeks. I have no memory of anything i woke up half on the sofa and half on the floor, no idea how i got there and my dad was trying to wake me and i wouldnt move.

01-10-13, 16:05
Oh dear, Yes that's scary. The last couple of times i got really drunk on a trips to London i lost the last 3 hours of the night both times. Could not remember anything!! I would like to stick to drinking socially (Sensibly) and quit drinking at home.

01-10-13, 18:16
Yeah I am knocking it on the head for a while I think. I felt hideous for the whole day after x

03-10-13, 10:39
...yes, i even questioned if it was possible to die from a hangover!:wacko: