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24-09-13, 11:16
I have suffered from Agoraphobia and extreme social anxiety for twelve years. This makes it very hard for me to go anywhere where there are people, which is pretty much everywhere. I have had psychotherapy, Cognitive behavioural therapy and hypnotherapy. Nothing has worked.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw an advertisement for walking boots. They were going to be sold extremely cheaply – in fact for €21.99 (£18.50) – by a large discount store. These offers are specific to certain days and sell out very quickly as there is a limited stock of the item.

I had a strange attraction to these boots, despite the fact that I have a very expensive pair of walking boots already. My partner got up at dawn the morning they were on offer and drove 20 miles into town to queue up and grab them, before driving 45 miles in the opposite direction to work.

The boots were as nice as I thought they’d be from the photograph and a perfect, comfortable fit. I told myself that they were magic boots and that they would help me overcome my agoraphobia.

So, on the morning of Friday 13th September I took my first steps in the local wood for a very long time, wearing my magic boots. Since then I have walked there every morning.

I go very early when there are hardly any people about but it is still progress. It is lovely to walk amongst the trees, to smell the piney scent, feel the pine needles crunch underfoot and to see the river, the lake and the waterfall. It is great for my health to walk every morning and my partner and dogs love it too.

So, good changes are happening in my world, and it’s all thanks to my magic boots.

24-09-13, 11:26
Oh Rain, well done you hun :yesyes:

I want a pair of magic boots now too :D

Hun it doesn't matter 2 jots how you manage to do it, use whatever helps you hun, that's what I do :)

Walking in those woods, hearing all the sounds, and smelling all the smells must be sooooo wonderful :hugs:

24-09-13, 11:44
What an awesome post! May the magic continue and may you find other "magic" items on sale ;)

Positive thoughts and prayers

24-09-13, 16:40
Wow what a great post I might try this with a new pair of trainers I have sitting in a box.
Thank you
Hugs vit xxx

24-09-13, 17:34
Well done Rain and well done magic boots. Its sounds lovely where you live from what you describe. I'm in a very similar situation to you and we've recently got a puppy and for the first time in years I'm getting out most days, still only around the block where I can see my house but hope to build on that. I've got a new pair of Hunters wellies so I hope they'll be my magic boots through the winter.

Once again well done Rain and keep at it, it's a great feeling when we achieve :)

24-09-13, 19:38
Great post and the woods where you live sound magical too x

25-09-13, 02:00
Well done

These boots have changed your life, well dont let them take all the credit, you seen something you wanted & went out & got it, you are stronger than you think, & should be very proud of yourself,

Im sure in a couple of months those boots will be crunching in early morning show whilst you continue to walk in the woods

25-09-13, 08:28
Absolutely brilliant, rain. An inspiration to anyone struggling in the same way.

25-09-13, 08:52
This is a very inspiring story, thanks for sharing it. :) You've done very well, and it sounds nice where you live. I enjoy woodland walks.

25-09-13, 10:56
That is just brilliant Rain!

20-10-13, 08:40
So sorry Rain but I have only just found your news. I think that is brilliant. Are your boots still taking you walkies? One day they may just take you up that mountain and hop over the sheep plops! :yesyes:

29-11-13, 14:24
Brilliant...I think I might give this a try.

02-12-13, 17:19
Oh Rain, that`s a great story!!

14-12-13, 12:40
Are the boots still working their magic Rain?

14-12-13, 12:53
We can't walk early in the morning's any more before my partner goes to work as it is too dark but soon it will be light enough in the mornings to start it again. In the meantime I have started walking on my treadmill. I still believe in my Magic Boots!

14-12-13, 14:58
Use those magic boots to take you somewhere you've dreamed of being able to go, Rain. Magic boots deserve to be used to do something awesome!

14-12-13, 15:55
Who knows rain, maybe you will be jumping on a magic plane somwhere one day :)