View Full Version : N H S

06-07-04, 13:15
If you could ask the Minister for Mental Health to put into place services within the N H S to benefit you, what would they be? We are at the bottom of the list of priorities, with "care in the community" being the only provision open to us, which usually means, family or friends. I'll be interested in your replies.

Liz from Lincolnshire

06-07-04, 13:27
I assume you are talking about anxiety/panic/depression etc

I have 'only' suffered anxiety/panic and PND but i think it would be a good idea if more health boards had provisions for 'group' sessions relating to all the above. I know just by experience of tghis forum that talking to people in a similiar situation helps a great deal


06-07-04, 15:46
I wish that there were more Cognitive Behavioural Therapists in the NHS as I have been on a waiting list for ages and ages and will have to pay to go private because the NHS has taken so long. I also think there is not enough awareness of anxiety and it's effects.


06-07-04, 18:14
I think the NHS needs to speed things up!! The wait is ages and it's not good for people suffering with anxiety and depression. The main issue with people like us is that the longer you do untreated, the worse you get!!

06-07-04, 19:14
I think actually recognising that the varying things we suffer from are actually illnesses, often more debilitating than viruses or infections, is the key thing which needs improvement. I know a lot of doctors are good, but some of the 'old school' still believe (for example) that if a woman goes to see them presenting anxiety symptoms, it's nothing more than "just hormones".

Also, recognising the benefits of agencies and organisations outside of the NHS would be a good step, in my opinion. For example, alternative herbal therapies as opposed to chemical drugs, and a list of communities such as these, for those of us who cannot (at stages in their illness) get out to a support group in their area.

Just my two pence :)

Leah, also from Lincolnshire! :D

~* Do what you want. Nobody else will do it for you *~

06-07-04, 20:15
i see a cognitive behavioural therapist on the NHS and the only reason there are waiting lists is because there are not enough of them to go around. Each therapist only takes on 8 patients at a time so they can focus 100% attention on them.

I think they are doing the best job they can! dont eb too hard on them. when they get rounf to helping you, you wont be conplaining :-)


10-07-04, 11:58
More therapists and starworkers.
More publicity for local user groups and meetings.
More training on the subject of anxiety and depression.

The problem with the NHS, is that there are more penpushers than do-ers.
There is a definate lack of publicity for services available, and even then there is not enough actual help to go around.
I have to agree, anxiety is often put down to being highly strung and if you had been given help straight away many of us wouldn't be as ill as we are now.

The good news is that Starworkers are comming ! [8D]
It is just taking time to get them in place and active.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'