View Full Version : Fear of fainting

26-10-06, 16:33
Hello everyone.

My panic attacks and anxiety are all focussed on the fear of fainting. I have migraines which do sometimes make me faint but I get anxiety feelings every day so it's so hard now to seperate the two. Does anyone else have a similar fear? What kind of things help you to feel better?

Thanks so much. x

26-10-06, 16:46
Hi,if Im in a supermarket and feel light headed I then panic because I think Im going to faint infront of everyone.I think most of us with anxiety think this.
take care;)

Ellen XX

26-10-06, 17:02
I have never fainted but I start to feel hot & cold when anxiety starts. So now I find if I am too hot I worry more in case its anxiety. So this summer was torture for me... I tend to need the toilet urgently when anxious and worry I will have an "accident" in public. Of course the more you worry the worse the symptoms become....

I try to talk myself out of it by telling myself I am just hot - its not the anxiety starting, and that really I can leave the queue (or wherever) if I really need to. To reassure myself that I am not trapped in any situation makes me feel a bit better.



26-10-06, 17:16
I used to have this all the time when I was in a public place. I'd basically leave everything in the aisle and almost run out cuz I thought what if I faint. Then I decided that I wasn't going to run anymore and if I faint, I faint. Wouldn't be the end of the world - lol
I think that by changing the way I reacted to the fainting feeling - it made it come less frequently and now I haven't had that feeling in a long while.

26-10-06, 17:31
I've never fainted but I do worry I am when i'm in a crowded place.

26-10-06, 18:29

Very common fear but very rare to faint whilst feeling like this.

The body is pretty good at stabilising itself.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


26-10-06, 19:32
Hi Bee from another Bee.lol:D

Fainting was my fear also, and in the 11 years i suffered i have never fainted once( although at times i honestly thought i would!), When the dizzyness comes on now i try to distract myself from the symptoms. e.g. playing music, relaxing, i do sums in my head, if i am outside i make words out of number plates, count how many red cars there are on my journeys, and also find that taking a walkman out with me is a good distraction too.there are lots of different distraction techniques.

Your certainly not alone with your fears.

Hope that helps



27-10-06, 17:32
i feel actacly the same when i feel that im gonna faint its a horrible feeling but as ive learned you never do faint but you can control it be strong regards hazel.

27-10-06, 17:40
hello bee bee

yes one of my worst fears fainting....get dizzy and horrid head rush...eyes go funny...but in 8 years have never once fainted!!!!!!!

x x x

27-10-06, 20:52
Oh yes I know exactly how you feel, this is the main catalyst for my panic and what I am working on with CBT. Last night I went to the theatre to see Jane Mcdonald (fab by the way!) and I started to panic and got hot and felt faint, I was really angry with myself as I wanted to enjoy the show, so I told myself exactly that and the panic was manageable, enabled me to enjoy the show at least.

Face, accept, float, let time pass

28-10-06, 21:58
This is my main fear too. At times its unbearable. I can only make it to my local shops at the mo and even that is a major ordeal for me right now. I am ok if I know I can get in and out with for whatever I need to buy but if there is a queue thats it... Im losing it.

For example today I managed to go to the local chemist to collect a prescription. I assumed it would be ready as I had handed it on 24 hours earlier. When I got there it wasnt ready so the cashier took my 'collection card' and told me to wait. That was a huge ordeal for me as I knew I couldnt possibly leave the shop on my own terms - I had to wait for them now and that thought terrified me! When the pharmacist brought me my tablets just as I thought I would have to just leave he queried the doseage and said he would have to check the doseage on his computer as he was worried it was too high for a starting dose. I just had to babble to him briefly what my symptoms were and said I needed to leave that shop like NOW which he was good about and I did. Lo and behold the second I was out of the shop I felt fine but really disappointed with what had happened again.

29-10-06, 15:50
Thanks so much for your reassurance everybody! It's really nice to feel like you're not alone. x

30-10-06, 09:32
You are defianately not alone. Do you manage to get out much?

30-10-06, 17:42
I work full time as a class teacher and am able to go out comfortably with my partner or friends and have been trying really hard to keep going places and doing things by myself. It's hard sometimes though but I had CBT for a while and read some good books whih helped. My partner is great too which has been a real support. It's just nice to know other people have the same anxieties as sometimes friends and fanily just can't understand how frightening and horrible your own fears can be and how terrible they can make you feel.

Hugs x