View Full Version : I might be going to prison guys

24-09-13, 17:45
Hi guys I have something to tell you all. I have not said this before in all my posts as I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. In march just after I separated from my wife I got court downloading hundreds of movies from the internet through a illegal site ( normal movies ) where people share movies and make them available to download .I’ve done it for years and never got court , up until now.i was arrested in April and have been on police bail ever since while they investigate my case.iv been told my case is now being looked at by the CPS service to decide if there is enough evidence for it to go to court.Im shitting myself I must say and is why all my problems are so bad. I’ve been sitting on this for some time now but want to let you all know because there is a strong chance I will go to prison and I’m not sure how long it would be..Well as you all know my mental illness is hard enough to cope with on the outside and my anxiety is so high all the time I cant imagine how I will cope with prison and being locked up most of the day, how ill cope with going to court and how ill cope with not seeing my kids, my agoraphobia stops me going to far away from home as it is let alone being driven across the country to a prison and suffering panic attacks while in there ..im so scared and just don’t know what im going to do if it goes to court ....will I get worse and fall apart in prison and kill myself...I’m a lover not a fighter so will find it hard to defend myself...it couldn’t be any worse for me my life...so if i dont post all of a sudden you all know what has happend..:weep::weep::weep::weep: any advice

24-09-13, 17:58
Oh my god. That's terrible!!!

You won't go to prison surely!!! You would be a landmark case if you did! Most people have just been fined heavily.

I don't know many people that don't download lots of movies to be honest with you.

I really don't think you will go to prison! If it goes to court then you will be fined.

How much downloading did you do??

24-09-13, 17:59
Unless you were downloading these and then selling them on, it is very unlikely you will go to prison ! the most you will get is a fine and a warning. I haven't heard of anyone in the UK that has been jailed for downloading stuff for their own personal use, so I wouldn't panic about it.

Chances are it will never even get to court anyway, and you will just get a warning from the police

24-09-13, 17:59
Oh Greg, I bet you've been struggling so much with this!

I have no experience of anything like this so I can't offer you any advice. Do you have a good solicitor? Are they aware of your mental health problems and how prison may affect you? Prison just doesn't seem to be in anyone's interests here.

Talk as much as you need here while you wait for news from the courts. Use every support service available to you. People do survive going to prison, and you will too. Just take one day at a time and you will get through this. Can your GP refer you to anyone as a matter of urgency to help you with coping skills? Would there be any mental health support in prison, if it comes to it?

PS. I've just had a look around the internet and although it's theoretically possiblt to get a jail sentence for illegal file sharing, it's the site owners they are interested in sending to prison, not the ordinary bloke who downloads a load of movies after splitting up with his wife. Have you spoken to a solicitor about the likely outcome for you? If not, this might really put your mind at ease. It's so easy to assume the worst, but speak to a solicitor and ask for some frank advice about what realistically might happen to you. Sending you to prison just doesn't seem to be in the public's interest and sounds unlikely.

24-09-13, 18:20
Like the others have said, I very much doubt that this will end in a prison sentence. I am pleased you have shared this so that you can get support from your NMP friends :hugs:

24-09-13, 18:30
I've download films for years. 100s maybe 1000s they took my PC away and all my other DVDs I had they said this was a huge amount to have downloaded over a long time..I just don't know what will happen to me in prison if it comes to it.my mental illness is bad enough in the real world.i don't think there is any compassion for people like me.if you are guilty of a crime that's tough luck ..I don't think my mental illness will give me any leverage .the whole last 6 months has been he'll.I've tried to be strong but keep falling down again.living at my sisters all this time and the loss of my wife home and kids makes it all much worse

---------- Post added at 18:30 ---------- Previous post was at 18:27 ----------

I still haven't had any bloody contact from the community mental health team.i went to the doctors yesterday and they said I would receive a call,which I haven't.im trying to back to the Adtu Center..to help me through the days

24-09-13, 18:40
Greg one of my friends is a police Sargent and I just asked him what the chances of you going to prison would be and he said "Nil"

24-09-13, 18:52
It really is NIL Greg. I will bet you my life savings that as long as you've just downloaded films for personal use then you won't be going anywhere.

Not a chance in hell my friend :)

24-09-13, 18:54
They are only really interested in prosecuting people who either own the download sites, or are selling on copies of the films, and even then they normally get fines rather than prison time. Downloading for personal use is so widespread they would have to arrest half the country for it.

Unless there is something you are missing out about the sort of things downloaded, or you were selling them, then I really don't think you need to worry

24-09-13, 19:15
Thanks guys..reassuring to hear but still hating this bail time of uncertainty ..just want it to all be over.

24-09-13, 19:23
Greg - if you haven't already, I suggest going to the Citizen's Advice Bureau. They'll be able to advise you on the process and maybe put you in touch with someone who can help if this goes any further.

I agree with Mike though. Unless you've been selling them, the films have illegal content or if you've been caught doing this before, you're likely just to get a fine.
