View Full Version : Avoiding loved ones, whom we are scared of losing ? Leaving ??

24-09-13, 18:18
does anyone here suffer with avoiding the ones we love, human or not so we don't get hurt, Due to either losing them, or them being taken from us ? .... :'(

24-09-13, 19:01
Yes indeed, it's happened to me many times that someone dear to me either had to leave and live elsewhere or unfortunately they died. Often I have held back from getting too close to people. But what they say..... "better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all" is true. Recently I found out a colleague if mine will be off work for a while. This made me feel really sad as I like and respect her. Having her company at work makes my days so much better. For a few days after hearing she won't be around for a few months I was really kicking myself for developing a friendship with her. I felt tearful and sad like "what's the point" .... "I won't be able to survive & will get depressed again". But I know this isn't the case. Of course I will miss her but I have arranged for us to meet up while she is away from work. In the end, of course it's not so good if someone you like isn't involved in your life as much as you would like but don't ,et that stop you from being close to people. It IS worth taking the risk believe me.

24-09-13, 19:07
thankyou so so much for replying :')
I'm so glad you have arranged to meet up, a true friendship would be such a game to back away from :( ... you sound like such a strong person and it's lovely to hear someone's advice that can look at things in such a strong perspective ! .. It's like a release ! A long awaited release from all pent up, confusing emotions.

Atlantta xx

24-09-13, 21:04
Gosh, thank You Atlantta. I really appreciate what you said. It does feel very scary, the fear of losing what is dear to you but perhaps that's because it's so lovely to experience these things. I guess it's about finding a balance that works for you. Maybe a step at a time. But I am glad what I have said is proving helpful.

24-09-13, 21:11
I have lost 2 very close friends who died when we were younger but I would not change anything. Yes I miss them very much but the memories I have are precious and can never be taken away. As Tessar said "it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all"

24-09-13, 21:13
your very welcome chick :) it's the truth, and its ppl like myself that take comfort in others strength to get through things, well done :)
Yes, I'm hoping I find some sort of balance that keeps me from wanting to distance myself from the ones I love. I'm hopeful now that I have found this fabulous site, and such lovely people that really do understand and not just say it :) thankyou xx