View Full Version : fear of death dentist and heart

25-09-13, 00:28
i have a fear of dying leaving my children and family, not seeing them grow up, not being there for them, i have fears of losing people to, i suffer health anxiety so get chest pains and then i fear death again, i have not been to a dentist in 21 years yes i need a lot of work and would love to have nice teeth but to scared to go x

25-09-13, 11:26
I suffer from fear of dying too and have the same thoughts as you. In genereal it rears its ugly face when my birthday approaches and also when my children's birthdays approach. When they start in a new grade I get the same thoughts. I just cannot get to terms with the getting older. When I have these thoughts I have to do something like watch tv play a game on my mobile so I can distract my mind do you do the same? Are you on any kind of medication?

25-09-13, 12:29
i have not been to a dentist in 21 years yes i need a lot of work and would love to have nice teeth but to scared to go x

I have a very nice dentist, who is extremely gentle and I think they really understand that people can be very frightened of going, but once you do go, it gets easier. I didn't go for five years once because I was frightened. Is there anyway to ring up one of your local dentists and find out if they have any services for people with a phobia.

This page might also help:


26-09-13, 02:57
hi kara, i do things like cleaning or come on here and chat or play games to take my mind of it, i lost my nephew at aged 21 in a car accident so now when my kids get in there friends car i panic till they get home safe, i am a bad passenger in my hubby car, i try to live day by day now and yes i take citalopram x
hi suki i had a dentist i went and explained to him about my fears and he didn't seem to take any notice he was not gentle at all so that was that i will ring around dentist tomorrow see how i get on and try and defeat my fear its easy writing it down its doing it, but never say can't we would get no were if life if we dont try thankyou both of you for sharing your storys with me x

26-09-13, 08:18
Sadly, I think not all dentists are like that, but if you find a good one, they can be very reassuring. Well done for trying though. I think not reassuring you says a lot about them as a dentist, it helps if you can find one you can trust.

I don't know if you got to look at the link, but it says the NHS have these special dentist clinics especially for people with a phobia of the dentist.

26-09-13, 17:05
thank you suki i will have a look x