View Full Version : Sudden extreme fatigue causing panic attacks?

25-09-13, 05:57
My panic attacks are usually caused by weird feelings in the head, but lately they start with extreme sudden tiredness. Is that normal? The panic brings me out of the fatigue, ha! It's scary though because when I lay down and try to sleep it off I keep jerking awake and sometimes I feel like I can't even move, I feel paralysed, which is what sends me into panic. Can anyone relate?

25-09-13, 10:50
Sounds to me like sleep paralysis. Read about it on wikipedia and see if that's what you're experiencing. I get it all the time it's horrible!

25-09-13, 11:06
Sounds to me like sleep paralysis. Read about it on wikipedia and see if that's what you're experiencing. I get it all the time it's horrible!

Yes I agree it is something that used to happen to me a lot and it is made worse when over tired.

I found a why around it was before trying to fall asleep is to engage the mind in a little game to help it wind down ie something like the old counting sheep.
Adapt it to suit yourself and treat the idea of sleep as being a reward at the end and it always the mind time to relax and hopefully drift into sleep at a calm relaxed rate and cut out on the sudden jerking awake.

28-09-13, 03:49
Sounds to me like sleep paralysis. Read about it on wikipedia and see if that's what you're experiencing. I get it all the time it's horrible!

Yep sounds exactly it. Thanks, having a name for it is good for my anxious mind, but doesn't make it any easier of an experience. I agree its horrible! I think I have figured it out though; my body is so anxious most of the time that dozing off to sleep is a threat. And it can't stay asleep, but doesn't fully wake up, explains why I feel AWFUL most mornings. I had a horrible panic attack the other day when I felt like I couldn't fully wake up. But somehow I got out of bed and splashed my face with cold water.

Thanks purgatory, Its funny I don't get the jolts when i'm going to sleep at night because its like my mind says "Its OK to sleep now" whereas in the daytime I feel like I shouldn't be feeling fatigue so I freak out and keep jolting awake.

28-09-13, 23:46
One of the major causes for panic attacks and anxiety is exhaustion. Mental exhaustion, physical exhaustion or emotional exhaustion.
Maybe you should look at those aspects in your life first before heading to Wikipedia.

Wikipedia isn't accurate at all, and I've found so many inaccurate flaws there that can cause real serious issues.

Have a great day! :)