View Full Version : Skin cancer

25-09-13, 13:13
Hi everyone,

I haven't on here for ages because after I had CBT a couple of years ago, my HA was so much better. But now, I've got myself in a skin cancer tizz and could really do with some help from you guys.

About 2.5months ago, I happened to notice 3 small, distinct lumps on my left forearm. They were skin coloured, but definitely raised and definitely not always been there. So I panicked they were basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma but decided to bazuka them in the hope they were warts (though they didn't really look 'rough' like the warts I'd had in the past). I lasted about 3 days on bazuka before it burnt all the normal skin and I stopped using it. I think these are probably basal cell or maybe squamous cell carcinomas.

I also used the bazuka on two round, smooth, skin coloured, distinct bumps (one 1mm across and 1 3mm across) that I have had for about 3 years. I have caught the larger one a couple of times and it's bled but no real changes other than that. Again, the bazuka burnt the normal skin so I stopped using it. These I think are basal cell carcinomas.

This also made made me think of a scar looking patch I have on the side of my nose for 2 years, which I originally thought was a spot that just wouldn't go. From the descriptions I've got from Dr Google, this is a squamous cell carcinoma.

So I've tried to pick them all, bazuka some of them, and I can't get rid of them. I know I should go to the doctor. I work full time and when I rang for the next appt she can schedule after 5pm, it's 25 October!

I keep thinking, would a skin cancer be in groups of 2 or 3 like this, surely it would be a lump on its own?


25-09-13, 13:30
. From the descriptions I've got from Dr Google, this is a squamous cell carcinoma.

Did you ask for Dr Googles credentials before you accepted his diagnosis?

25-09-13, 13:53
Haha, no, and I take your point.

My Dad also had basal cell carcinoma and I know it runs in families...but I don't want to ask him as they think my HA issues are all better.


25-09-13, 14:05
I think in this case it's probably ok to speak to your Dad about it as you're concerned about something you can actually see. Ultimately you need to see the GP. Although it's unlikely to be anything serious, it's always worth keeping one step ahead of potential hereditary issues.

In any case, you're Dad is still around so it just goes to show that the worst case scenario is eminently treatable, although I'd put money on it being a rash or some other benign skin condition :)