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View Full Version : Is it enough

25-09-13, 14:20
Hey guys,

Having huge heart fears again I'm really starting to freak out again after doing so well the last few weeks.

Woke up the last two mornings with intense left sided chest pain and the feeling like I was either going to have a massive heart attack and drop dead or go into cardiac arrest. I have had a clean ekg and 24 hour holter as well as a full blood work up but I wonder if that's enough? Could those tests miss something serious I am 31 and feel like my time is coming to an end

Skye Winter
25-09-13, 14:29
Hello, scrumking.

I suffer heart fears as well! After all of those tests, I'm sure the professionals would have picked a problem up if there was one.

Remember that chest pain can be caused by all sorts of things-
- Anxiety
- Stomach pain that you can feel in your chest
- Muscular pain
- A trapped nerve
and more.

Heart pain isn't generally felt in the left hand side of the chest, it's usually felt in the middle and radiate outwards and sometimes down the arm. If you were gonna have a heart attack you would know about it. Heart attacks are a crushing pain, too.

It sounds to me like you're maybe having a muscle spasm or something?
I'm not a doctor though, you might want to go see a cardiologist to put your mind at rest, although I'm sure you are totally fine!

Feel better soon.
I'm always here if you need someone to talk to who suffers the same thing.

- Skye xo