View Full Version : Lithium Next Week

25-09-13, 14:54
I'm terrified that I am starting Lithium next week. My Psych told me that it will be a small dose to start with, but they will build it up. She also told me I will need regular blood tests to monitor the levels. I can't express how horrified I am that they even discussed me going on Lithium at the team meeting last week. I am already on Seroquel and a Clopixol injection, but I still rapid cycle and they want to try another mood stabilizer to see if they can get me right. I'm so unstable at the moment that my Psych refuses to put me into DBT, CBT and she also took my name off the list for the upcoming Mindfulness course. Is Lithium safe and does it work by stabilizing your moods? I'd love to hear about other people's experience. Thanks.

25-09-13, 19:11
Hi lithium has stabilised my moods over fourteen years. Before that I used to experience suicidal lows on a regular basis. I was very desperate for something to work to stop this horrible illness. I take lithium 1,000mg for severe recurrent depression with mirtazapine 45mg. When you first start lithium you will be asked to go for regular blood tests every few weeks at first to work out a therapeutic level of lithium in the blood. Mine are usually 05- 07. You will be asked to keep a record of any side effects that you might notice. In the UK we have a purple book to note thyroid, liver and kidney function. Some people do have problems with their thyroid and also kidney function which sometimes is not irreversible. I have not had any problems with it. You will also need to go for an ECG before starting it. It has been the best medicine for me and works in a different way to anti ds and will level your mood. Some people report feeling 'flat' on it but again I still have highs and lows but not crashing ones. You will need to keep your fluid levels up (water) but not excessively but especially during the hot weather.If you experience sickness, giddiness blurred vision then you might be experiencing toxicity. You will need to go to A an E ASAP. There is probably loads more to say but I'm sure you'll be fine. Follow what your doctor says and take it from there. EJ

25-09-13, 19:46
I have taken 800 mg of Lithium for approx. 15 yrs. It has been very successful in helping to manage recurrent depression (I take Venlafaxine & small amount of Mirtazipine also.) I am definitely thirstier on it which is no big deal. My psych always reminds me about the dangers of toxicity - I asked him once if any patients of his have had it and he said one or two had, when on holiday somewhere very hot and failed to drink enough to compensate for sweating more than usual. I think I remember feeling a little tireder than normal when I first started it but it didn't last long. Don't miss the blood tests to be on the safe side.
One more thing, there is growing evidence that many gain weight on Lithium - it's fluid retention apparently. I've put on weight (8 - 10 lbs. I think) but I'm sure I could shift it if I tried hard enough - I do not enjoy any form of exercise, that's my excuse! I stopped taking L once to help me lose some weight; it worked but within a few months I was ill again. I've promised myself and my family I'll never stop again. There is no contest for me between no anx/dep and being slimmer.
Good luck

25-09-13, 19:56
Hi Cokesmyth I'm glad that you have had good results whilst taking lithium too. It isn't a quick fix either and might take a couple of months before you feel the benefit. I have never gained an ounce whilst taking lithium. It has been mirtazapine in the past that has been my downfall. EJ

26-09-13, 08:42
Hi lithium has stabilised my moods over fourteen years. Before that I used to experience suicidal lows on a regular basis. I was very desperate for something to work to stop this horrible illness. I take lithium 1,000mg for severe recurrent depression with mirtazapine 45mg. When you first start lithium you will be asked to go for regular blood tests every few weeks at first to work out a therapeutic level of lithium in the blood. Mine are usually 05- 07. You will be asked to keep a record of any side effects that you might notice. In the UK we have a purple book to note thyroid, liver and kidney function. Some people do have problems with their thyroid and also kidney function which sometimes is not irreversible. I have not had any problems with it. You will also need to go for an ECG before starting it. It has been the best medicine for me and works in a different way to anti ds and will level your mood. Some people report feeling 'flat' on it but again I still have highs and lows but not crashing ones. You will need to keep your fluid levels up (water) but not excessively but especially during the hot weather.If you experience sickness, giddiness blurred vision then you might be experiencing toxicity. You will need to go to A an E ASAP. There is probably loads more to say but I'm sure you'll be fine. Follow what your doctor says and take it from there. EJ

That doesn't sound good at all EJ. I think I'll give it a miss. I'm terrified of my liver being damaged. Thanks for the advice.

26-09-13, 09:32
If you go for regular blood tests you will be fine. EJ

26-09-13, 09:35
If you go for regular blood tests you will be fine. EJ

That's what is frightening me away from it EJ, the blood tests. Is it very harsh on your kidneys and liver?

26-09-13, 11:28
If you keep well hydrated your kidneys will flush out the lithium. It is one of the risks that is associated with the drug and isn't something to be taken lightly. EJ

26-09-13, 11:46
Thanks EJ and sorry that I am full of questions.

26-09-13, 12:20
I'm in an awful way. My team had a meeting with Dr. Kirrane last week and the bombshell that I am to start on Lithium next week was dropped on me the following day. I'm already on two Mood Stabilizers, Seroquel and Clopixol, which I get as an injection every week.

I think I may have been making myself worse by Googling Lithium Stories. A lot of people say that it very harsh on the liver and kidneys and that you have to keep very hydrated and go for blood tests frequently to measure the toxic levels in your system.

I'm so scared of taking it that I have worked myself up into a right heap and panic. Dr. Kirrane says that it's time they changed my current medication because the Rapid Cycling isn't easing off, and said that it will help me in the long run. I hate Rapid Cycling, the highs and the monstrous downers and I am willing to do anything but take Lithium. Too many people have scared me with horror stories.

26-09-13, 12:27
Hi Edd - I merged your posts as they were about the same thing.

26-09-13, 12:30
Hi Nic, thanks very much :) Sorry for posting two threads.

26-09-13, 12:51
It is ok Edd - just nice to see the other replies about it on here as well

26-09-13, 12:52
I know Nic. I'm delighted with the replies.

26-09-13, 12:56
Try googling lithium positive experiences or something like that. Ive never been on it so can't give you advice but I do know in the past when I was given a new anti depressant to try when I googled all that came up were horror stories. Maybe if you google lithium worked for me it might cut out things that will scare you.

26-09-13, 13:12
That's a great idea Bernie. I'll do that now. I'm tired of reading horror stories.

26-09-13, 15:45
Dear Edward I'm sorry that you find going onto lithium scary. It has been a lifesaver for me and I have led a prolonged period in remission from my illness. I haven't read any scary stories on here but I know there are some on PUK. Let your doctors guide you and make up your own opinions about lithium. EJ

26-09-13, 16:04
EJ, I'm willing to try it. Been rapid cycling all day and it's not funny. I'm going to go on it. I have nothing to lose.

30-09-13, 16:46
Any news Edward??? EJ

03-10-13, 11:23
This afternoon EJ. Have a meeting with Dr. Kirrane in Roselawn. I was supposed to start on Tuesday, but my appointment went ape belly. Will be back to you for advice later. Is that OK EJ?

03-10-13, 11:37
I hope the appointment goes well. I was terrified when I first went on lithium that something bad would happen- it didn't. Take care. EJ

03-10-13, 11:47
Good luck for your appointment. STAY CALM!! :D

03-10-13, 19:13
I hope it all went well for you Edward :hugs:

03-10-13, 19:21
Any news Edward?