View Full Version : help please court 2moro for access to grandchild

25-09-13, 15:08
Please any advice Please , I am so anxious, I am due to go to court 2 Moro and am absolutely dreading it. My granddaughter is 3 and I have never seen her as her mother turned against my son and so me too, I went to court a year ago and it was awful , the judge couldn't decide so the case was adjourned and eventually she agreed to send photos 4 times a year. Well it's back to court 2moro this time for properaccess and I am such a state about it . Part of me wants to walk away as the family are making it so nasty, yet i've got this close

25-09-13, 15:51
Stay with it rooby. Just try to stay calm. You cannot give up now.
The Best of Luck:hugs: