View Full Version : So scared abnormal smear result today

25-09-13, 16:54

I've nit been around much, I was doing so well last two mths after suffering with really awful ha, today that's gone out the window major panic as have been referred :weep:

25-09-13, 16:58
Babe don't worry about this at all- I have so many friends who have had this and has the cells burnt off and are fine - u will b totally fine xx

25-09-13, 17:03
Thank you I'm just a mess.. I'm planning to move, packing on my own with two toddlers, can't make the app as hubby offshore, then he gets back we moving from Scotland to England...

25-09-13, 17:08
Hi Sparkles,

This must be really scary but as Gee said a lot of women do have abnormal results from their smear test and it ends up with them having laser treatment so the cells can't go any further and then it's ok.
Are you saying you can't make your appointment for it? xx

25-09-13, 17:34
It's going to be hard, really hard I have no family here ( this is why we are moving back ) hospital an hour away, cars in garage nd hubby on an oil rig ( plus two toddlers )

---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:10 ----------

Just spoke to doc, she said there are three types or something and mine is the second type of abnormal cells, moderate

25-09-13, 17:55
Hi Sparkles, my sister had two consecutive abnormal smear tests, hers turned out to be a hormonal issue which did come right on it's own . My friend had the same thing and she had hers removed and was fine. I know how scary these things can be but try not to worry too much. :hugs:

25-09-13, 19:14
Thank you it's cn2, classed as moderate

Wish I could stop worrying, this has bought health anxiety back at its worst ever

25-09-13, 19:25
You have a lot of stressful things going on at the moment...I jut want to send you big hugs :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

25-09-13, 19:28
Hey sparkle.... U aren't alone, all your friends are here thinking about you. The important thing is that you have had a smear test which has picked this up in the first place. That means u will get the appropriate treatment now. Sending you warm & caring hugs. x

25-09-13, 21:14
Thanks everyone x

26-09-13, 08:03
Still freaking out and a week until I'm due in... Urgh van not believe I'm feeling this way, I was Really getting my life together and learning to cope with ha x

26-09-13, 08:11
Hey sparkle, what were the things you had been doing that had helped you cope with the HA? Are you able to implement some if them now? I know that once the HA is in full swing, it's difficult to take a step back. But maybe that's what you need to do. Step back from the intensity of it all. There is time between now and the appointment, decide what you are going to fill tht time with. Be decisive. You can make that decision, the feelings and fears do not have to consume you..... C'mon..... Take control back . :-)

26-09-13, 08:23
I think I'd just worried a out so many things that I just told myself, nothing ever comes of it so I just stopped worrying as much. This because its out of my control and they have came to me with it I just feel so worried

Now I'm cramping and thinking all the things I used tonx

26-09-13, 08:54
Hi Darling, I had this for a couple of years - repeat smears, abnormal cells - and it was NOTHING AWFUL. My daughter (27) has also had it. YOu really want to know if there is anything abnormal cos they can treat it and it will never turn into anything more. This is totally normal for many women.

Whereabouts will you be in England?

26-09-13, 12:00
Thx I'm trying to relax, I'm better than yesterday just next week can't come fast enough. Thanks for taking time to reply to me x

26-09-13, 12:29
Oh Sparkle - well, this is what smear tests are there to detect - it's a very good preventative measure. they will look after you.

At my last smear they found a polyp on my cervix. I was quite scared it would hurt to have it removed because they can remove them in clinic if small enough, but they referred me to a consultant and she said oh, that is big so I'll have to refer you to the day surgery and by then I thought I had some sort of massive alien thing stuck to my cervix. They too burn them off. Again it is a preventative measure and is highly unlikely to be anything sinister, but they take the precautions.

The day arrived and i went along and they were really nice. they used a camera to look in my womb too - which I saw on the screen (I asked for pop-corn as a joke) and it was only slightly comfortable (like a very mild period pain). i didn't even realise they'd removed the polyp! The worst thing was trying to get off the chair afterwards because my legs were wobbly. They investigated the polyp to be on the safe side and it was fine. I think they tend to use a belt and braces approach in these situations. I know it's not quite the same, but hopefully it might put you at ease a little. Sometimes the clinical stuff can sound scary, but it isn't anywhere near as bad as it sounds. When the consultant showed the the polyp - it was teeny tiny.

26-09-13, 20:27
Thank you .. I will be glad when tue is over.

I'm worried this is going to set me back in my old ways x

26-09-13, 21:12
Hi sparkle

Please try not to worry. I had abnormal results at one point and it was cn4, I had a small biopsy and have had not further problems for 3 years. I had to have smears 6 monthly for 2 years but that's reassuring as at least they are keeping an eye on it. Health anxiety is awful and I suffer from it myself. But please be assured things will be fine :)

26-09-13, 21:49
Just wanted to send a hug to you x x

27-09-13, 03:29
Hi there hun :)

I know it's hard when you're so frightened, but please try not to worry and panic over this.

The first thing I'm going to say is that YOU HAVE NOT GOT CANCER! :)

The reason that I've said that, is because that's usually the first thing that comes into our minds if we get an abnormal result back :)

I had exactly the same as you. I had some treatment and a biopsy, which was no where near as bad as I'd thought it would be, the whole thing from the colposcopy, treatment and biopsy was all over and done with in less than an hour :)

Since my treatment, which was 13 years ago, I have had no problems at all, my smears all come back clear and my cervix is very healthy :)

You see, this is the good thing about having regular smears, it picks up these things nice and quickly, it's treated and that's it, all is well :)

Sending hugs hun :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs:

27-09-13, 06:01
My cousin had abnormal smears they're common from what her mother said, especially if hormones are fluctuating

27-09-13, 07:54
are you up to date with your smears?? as if you had one 3 years ago, it will be nothing bad! honest!! xx promise! nothing BAD can develop in that period of time! it will just be odd cells thats all!! xxx

27-09-13, 07:59
I had one about 3.4 yrs ago, I was only 3 mths late getting it.

Thank you ladies you have made this worrying time not so bad x

27-09-13, 19:57
Great and all day I've been cramping... I'm not due on ?