View Full Version : Long lump in right side of abdomen

25-09-13, 16:55

Looking for some reassurance and maybe someone who has had the same thing. A couple of weeks ago I was prodding my stomach and felt this hard lumpy thing that goes from just under my right rib to just above my hip bone. It moves if I press on it and doesn't cause any pain, my side is sore but I think that's because I am constantly prodding it 😩 I am terrified that I have a tumour or cancer in the colon. The weird thing is I can't feel it if I am lying down it's like it disappears! I have been googling symptoms of colon cancer and I have none of the symptoms apart from being tired but I am not sleeping but still think I am tired because of cancer or because I am anemic (another colon cancer symptom)

I have the doctors on Saturday but I am so scared that she tells me it's something bad, I'm only 26 with 4 beautiful kids. Would really appreciate some advice to try and calm me down 😩 x

26-09-13, 08:50
How are your bowels? If you are constipated, you might be feeling what's bunged up in your bowel.

26-09-13, 13:01
Not constipated, going to the toilet fine. Sometimes it's loose but not diarrhoea but I think anxiety first thing in the morning causes that. When I got up at 3am this morning I couldn't really feel the lump but I can feel it now. I'm terrified of going to the doctor on Saturday but can't go on like this. Sometimes when I feel the left side I think I can feel something similar! Oh this is awful. Thanks for replying x

26-09-13, 13:43
When I feel long lumps like that, it's usually been part of the IBS and is often trapped wind!

26-09-13, 13:46
It's been there for about 3 weeks now, I have to push right in to feel it, my husband said it's probably my intestines I'm feeling but I always think I have cancer :-( x

26-09-13, 13:55
Well intestines are lumpy I guess. I get a very hard lump during ibs that stays there for weeks - a moody dr said it's just a bit of colic, I think if your intestines go into spasm they can go quite hard.

26-09-13, 16:07
Thanks you have made me feel better, I also read if a tumour is palpable through the abdomen then I would have other symptoms too like weight loss, fatigue, bleeding, anemia, pain etc and I don't have any of these. Fingers crossed its nothing to worry about x

26-09-13, 16:26
You'd be amazed. I was once in hospital and there were women in hospital with terrible stomach pains - they'd come in on morphine and have loads of tests and the doctors would say "you're just constipated" and they were surprised. Our digestive systems can do very odd things and there's nothing particularly bad happening in there that won't clear up when we're not stressed.