View Full Version : Doc wants liver tests... Scared :(

26-09-13, 01:05
My doctor called me today and wants me to go in for some liver tests based on my symptoms. I read some things online and I am feeling worried and upset. I am only 26, but I do have a lot of the symptoms of liver problems. I don't drink anymore, but I did fairly oftem in university. *sigh* I know I should just wait until I get the test results back, but I can't help worrying. :(

26-09-13, 09:12
Did you drink a lot more than your friends, do you mean?

Well - you have stopped, and livers can recover from a lot of abuse... so there is plenty of hope. Good luck to you! x

26-09-13, 09:16
Hello, I agree with Speranza. Livers will heal themselves extremely well. My brother was an alcoholic for years. He had slight liver damage and now he's not been drinking for 3 years his liver is fine so whatever it is, is unlikely to be because of your drinking at uni. Hopefully its nothing. Drs just like to be cautious xxx

26-09-13, 19:59
Thanks Speranza and BumbleGirl, I appreciate it. I drank quite a bit in my third year especially, but that was years ago now. I am feeling better today, and just being thankful for my thoughtful doc. Hopeful for good results! Thanks again xx

27-09-13, 05:57
Don't worry! I've had to go through liver panels while I was on heavy ADHD meds, none ever came back bad... :P ADHD meds are worse on a liver, especially when you're taking them from age 7 and on!

As for drinking, I'm sure you'll be okay, livers are the most miraculous things... From what I've heard. I wish you well and hope all is good.