View Full Version : What is happening!

26-09-13, 10:18
Hi I think I may have anxiety really bad, I have been to the doctors but never had blood tests, ECG or a prescription.
So, everyday I wake up and straight away I feel something wrong with me straight away. Today its a tingling face and feels like I have a fat lip. Every day the last two weeks it has been gas and indigestion, but I have'nt been hyperventilating. I have had chest pain in the centre, shoulder pain for about 5 months, constantly going to the toilet and migranes to name a few.
I go to the doctors and they say 'you are fine its anxiety' and I am sat there thinking that all this can not be anxiety can it?
I just wanted some opinions off people who also experience this, it makes you feel like crap everyday of your life and I just want to know how people cope.
I am a man so when I go to the doctors its like they are telling me to man up, if I was female maybe they will take me seriously because I think they don't care at all. I may have a serious illness but they wont test me for anything so how do I know?

26-09-13, 10:32
I think your doctor gave you a rubbish response and if they haven't offered you any treatment, then you need to go back and tell them how much it affects you (or see another doctor).

Anxiety can cause all sorts of physical symptoms - if you have a good look on here, you'll probably find a lot of the physical symptoms you are suffering. IBS, definitely shoulder pain, tingles, chest pains, because you end up holding yourself in a tense way without even realising it. I have paid privately for an osteopath to sort my shoulder and back pain (a couple of sessions helped) because I couldn't even sleep. Pilates classes were a big help too, because they help improve your posture and they're very relaxing.

It is horrible, but just putting up with it won't solve the issue. I hope when you go back that they take you seriously. Good luck.

26-09-13, 10:36
Thanks for the reply and I will go to the docs in the next week or so as we have just had a baby and I work nights.
I am just scared they may find something serious, but then I think how much things can you have wrong with you in 2 years bit nothing has happened yet!

26-09-13, 11:06
A new baby and you work night - i remember well, how stressful that could be.

Let me tell you that everyone who has anxiety thinks there is something serious going on! Just take a look at the health anxiety section - we're all as bad. You think you're the only one - but every fear is very common. I'm amazed 20 years later to discover other people are also worried they're suddenly going to suffer from epilepsy - it wasn't just me.

I think it's partly to do with how we focus on what we feel. If you feel negative, you think the worst in everything and that goes for any aches and pains. But it just goes to show how the human brain is wired, because our thinking patterns all lead to the same thing.

Good on you going back to the doctors - make sure you let them know how much it is bothering you, they need to take this seriously. Anxiety can be debilitating.