View Full Version : The terrors!!

26-10-06, 21:16
Hi all - hope you are all feeling ok tonight.

Well i went to see a councellor on monday - have had a set back over the last 2 weeks - find that thoughts come and go through my mind but sometimes a few nasty ones get stuck and then manifest themselves into apsolute madness that i start getting panic attacks. It is such a vicious circle. Basically i was scared of myself and scared of what i would do/ could do/ with all if, what's and maybes of the world going through my mind. I was apsolutely terrified.
Anyway, it seems that my problems seem to stem from childhood - i never felt safe as a child and was always on the alert and anxious - this is now reflected in later life ALSO they seem to have arisen from 6 years of mental and emotional abuse from my ex partner. This is all starting to spill out now and especially at times of stress (too much in my rain barrel so it starts to overflow). My lack of confidence seems to be a big thing too.
Went to the doctors yesterday expecting to be put back on citalopram or be sectioned under the mental health act but instead she told me to rather go and have some AT (Transactional Analysis) with a psychotherapist.
I'm quite nervous and also sooo scared it won't work and i will be stuck like this for life but gonna give it a go and really work hard on it. Don't have the safety net of the tablets now and have to do it on my own which is really daunting.

Anyway, sorry it is so long but just wanted to share........

26-10-06, 22:43
Hi kitty,
Firstly let me reassure you,you wont feel like this for life,it just feels like that at the mo.
Youve had some bad times in the past and the therapy that your GP has recommended might work and help you face up to the past and then you can face the future a stronger person.
I too ask myself"does it ever get any better..?" but when i have good days(which you will too) you DO believe it can and WILL get better.

Take care and keep smiling.. Candie xx:D

27-10-06, 17:29
It is indeed very daunting to face our illness without medication. I know exactly how that feels. I thought my therapist was out to kill me off, when she told me to stop my medication.
But it has been really good. I have learned to rely on myself instead of the pills. I know now that I am my own safe person.
And so will you, I have no doubt. It will be tough for a while, but stick it out, it will be worth it, and it WILL get better.
My prayers are with you on the journey.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."