View Full Version : ladys any advice on hrt

26-10-06, 21:24
has anyone got any advice on hrt im going thru the menapause and i dont no wot to do about hrt my doc says to give it ago and priscribed a hrt patch but when i went to get my script the girl i new asked me had i had a hysterectomy when i said no she said that the hrt she had giving me was for woman who have had a hysterectomy and should not be giving to ladys who have still got there overys im so confused i dont no wot to do my mother died of breast cancer she was 51 so im abit weary can anyone recomend any hrt ur herbal i just dont no wot to take my gp said she wouldnt recomend herbal and told me not to take it while others say its fine oh im so confused

t motown

27-10-06, 17:49
Hi there, sorry I have no good advice, but would just say, I too, am going through menopause and how tough is it eh? Decided against HRT - and used Black Cohosh for a while, but then 'they' decided that would or could cause liver damage, so decide to go it alone, thought that if i was healthy my body could get through like the olden days - and guess what? Yeah it did, it has been hard, but friends around me who have taken HRT have been no different to me, so it is up to the individual obviously...If your doctor prescribed the patches he/she knew your circumstances, as for your friend, mmmmm -make sure your doc. knew Mum had breast cancer, it is your body darling, you tell them what you want, not the other way round, why not give it a go, short term use (i believe) does not harm take care and keep in touch. xxxJean