View Full Version : anxiety over family and loved ones?

26-09-13, 18:15
Hi guys.
Ive had a good few weeks, I've not obsessed about dying anymore and I feel a million times better for it.

However, I'm now worrying that something is going to happen to my loved ones instead. My daughter has a horrid cold and had to have oxygen this morning because she was wheezing and struggling with her breathing, so I'm panicked.

My boyfriend is going to London tommorow on a coach. We live in the North so it's a long journey, and I'm terrified their coach will crash. All I seem to read about is deaths on the motorways I don't want him to go.

My mums in the middle of a potential oral cancer scare.and my dad.has chest pains constantly that he refuses to have checked out.

I'm so worried about them all, my family are my world
I know I'm going to panic.about his trip and I know its.ridiculous but I can't help it.

Does anyone else feel this way?

26-09-13, 18:21
Me all the time. Hubby works on an oil rig so I worry sick, plus the hellocopter he goes on. I worry about health, autisum with my little girl...you name it and I've worried about it :/

26-09-13, 19:03
Thankyou, at least now I feel a little less ridiculous now. I would be worried aswell if my partner had your husbands job so you're not alone. I dont know if we live in an unlucky area but every other story is about a car crash or bike accident, and my dad has just taken up cycling :(

I have no idea why I think his coach will be involved in a crash, possibly because the incident with the hen party bus was in the news for ages.

I just cant believe I'm worried about a man going on a bluddy bus, I guess it's the distance but its so annoying :(

26-09-13, 19:18
Roxy I am just the same, I worry every time any of my family are out or travelling somewhere.

26-09-13, 20:36
Thankyou. It does make me feel better that its not just me! Ive always been a worrier,.especially if people come home late or I know my dad has been out I will find an excuse to ring him to make sure he's okay.

These are grown people and its so silly but I cant help it. I wish he wasnt going tommorow :(

26-09-13, 20:42
My youngest son is 23 now and has his own house with his girlfriend but I still worry if I know he is out somewhere. My kids often don't tell me they are going anywhere until they get there as they know I will worry. My husband travels all over the country with work and I worry about him and get him to text as soon as he reaches his destination.

26-09-13, 20:46
your not on your own I make myself sick with worry over my family ,its our loved ones we want to keep them safe theres nothing wrong with that :D

27-09-13, 20:37
I agree they're loved ones and we just want them safe. It just seems so irrational that im worrying his coach is going to crash. Argh gosh hes a grown man on a bus!