View Full Version : help for bad thoughts???

26-10-06, 21:27
Hey there,

I have been experiencing really terrifying thoughts lately which have given me endless amounts of anxiety and panic attacks and 2 weeks of feeling really scared, almost like having a nightmare but being awake at the same time. My brother has been through it all too and gave me a good tip which (touch wood) has really helped him and me and i thought i would share it....

If you get something really terrifying come to mind, even if you get a flash of something you can't quickly turn off then take the thought then turn it into something really silly be it a cartoon or something totally random and ridiculous.

I've been turning all sorts of horrible random drivel my mind has been throwing at me and turning it around on itself - i even made myself chuckle a few times although i felt like a complete loon!!!;)

The key thing here is it has made me face it and not be scared of it almost like standing up to a bully.

Humming the song 'don't worry be happy' has been good too!

Hope that helps at least ease it a bit for some of you experiencing what i have lately xx

26-10-06, 21:37
Hi Kitti,

Thanks for sharing that with us, i too also find changing my thoughts helps, im good at making sums in my head now, and also singing helps me too, i will remember the song "dont worry be happy" ,thats a good one !

Thanks for that!:D



26-10-06, 21:41
Hey Andrea, glad that helped - i found dancing around the house was good too - anything that provoken a laugh in me - laughing is a great medicine i think, don't take myself so seriously then :-) xx