View Full Version : Scabby lump on my neck, worried about cancer. :(

26-09-13, 23:02
Yesterday my partner and I both noticed a lump on the back of my neck, that felt crusty. I had them take a look at it and take a picture so I could see, they're not really sure what is it but I'm really worried it could be skin cancer.

Here's a close up of it, http://i.imgur.com/NGLAtxC.jpg

It's probably about the size of a pencil eraser. It has irregular borders, it's pinkish and has a scab, it seemed to appear suddenly as neither of us noticed it before (if cancer fast growing).

The thing that really worries me is that it's right over my spine, if it's cancer it could grow into my spine and cause all kinds of problems.

I have another bigger scabby looking but not feeling spot on my back which is also over my spine that doctors have said probably nothing but to keep an eye on it (which doesn't seem to have changed after monitoring it for a few months)

I want to go into the doctors tomorrow but I've gone in for so much stuff that turns out to be nothing. I even just had a barium swallow because of a globus sensation and occasional bad pain in the right side of my throat.

I don't know what to do, pls halp. :(

26-09-13, 23:10
I had something similar on my elbow I went the doctors turned out to be nothing to worry about ,I would go and get it checked tho peace of mind and never mind you've been a lot that's what they are there for to help us :)

Daisy Sue
26-09-13, 23:12
If you don't go, you're going to worry yourself silly until you do eventually make an appointment - so why put yourself through days of anxiety? I suggest making an appointment for tomorrow, insist if you have to, & say you don't want to go through the weekend worrying... if there's no doctor appointments, then see a nurse.

27-09-13, 10:40
I am no GP but it looks like a cyst or an ingrown hair.

Go to your GP. They will not moan at you for this. Anything like this should be checked out.

I am sure it is nothing serious so take some deep breaths and make an appointment x

---------- Post added at 10:40 ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 ----------

Oh and if this helps, it is pink! Skin cancer that is dangerous is dark and appears like a mole.

The pink type of skin cancers do not tend to spread, so even if it was something nasty they would probably just whip it out and that is it.

You do have a lot of hairs in that area so it really could be an ingrown hair.

27-09-13, 11:34
Looks like either a wart or the beginings of a mole, it does not look troublesome at all but if you are worried then get a dr to look at it otherwise you will go on worrying blessings

27-09-13, 14:56
Thanks for the posts, unfortunetly I wasn't able to get anything to see anyone today, normally you can phone up at 8:00 and get an appointment but because I stayed up so late I only just woke up an hour ago and there's no free appointments at all but I did book one for monday morning.

But after waking up it seems to have changed, like it's got a lot darker/redder in colour, even the scabby part is darker, so now that it's changed so fast it's really got my heart pounding. My partner thinks it's just changed fast because it's just some kind of cut that is healing and that cancers don't change that fast, but healing things don't go darker do they?