View Full Version : mentally ill or physically ill! you choose!

26-10-06, 21:34
hi all,

just wondering if you had you choose, what would it be, the physical illnes that we think we have, or the mentall illness that we do have?

26-10-06, 21:37
Physical illness for me every time - as long as it was curable with a tablet!

If it was a choice over a serious illness or disability I would choose mental illness however!

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


26-10-06, 23:04
none of the above...... god just how rich would we be if we came up with a pill that just vanishes anxiety and panic attacks and clears out ya brain of all those nasty freaky thoughts..???

Just thought id say that!![:I]
Take care and keep smiling..Candie xx:D

28-10-06, 12:58
Hi guys, Id have the same thing to say as Nicola on this one. I often find myself thinking....I would rather have both legs broken than feel this way! Come to think of it, both legs and both arms.....at the same time!!


28-10-06, 13:51
I would rather have a physical illness that can be successfully treated than all the imaginary things that cannot.

28-10-06, 19:00
i have both so i would choose to get rid of the physical illness because the anxiety makes my ilness worse


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

30-10-06, 15:40
Perculiar, I have never thought of myself as having a mental illness.....................

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

30-10-06, 18:57
We are not mentlally ill. Just anxious people. and anxious people are very deep thinking and passionate. I think ones childhood has a lot to do with it? What say you?

Snoopy x

01-05-08, 21:37
id rather have to deal with spiders than have this and i hate spiders, i mean really hate them, the make me run like hell when i see even the smallest one!
anxiety is a pain in the a**e