View Full Version : Upper lip hair removal

27-09-13, 14:47
Hi, I don't know what I'm doing but I have just used nair hair removal face cream on my upper lip and the skin has burned and I have sebborrheac dermatitis and acne and now a red burn above my lip,my skin is extremely sensitive and I suffer from very low self esteem and can't go into shops and I rarely leave my tiny flat and I'm trying to get better and by trying to get better I tried to remove my facial hair for the first time and now I have burnt myself. I'm suicidal all the time and I'm trying to feel better and to get out and cope but I don't know how to do things and I have spent along time stressing about doing this and I can't wear makeup as it affects my skin acne and sebhoreic dermatitis , I'm all over the place and I am doing impulsive things because I want to get well and in trying to get well I do things and I don't know what I'm doing. I was mentally abused for years and I have no confidence in going out and no confidence in my self and I don't know what or how to fit in I'm a wreck . I wish I had a friend who I could trust to ask these things but I'm alone and anxiety and stress drives me to suicide because its all overwhelming.

27-09-13, 17:54
sorry you feel so bad today. Unfortunately your impulsivity has overridden reading the instructions - my skin isn't as sensitive as yours but I wouldn't use that stuff on my face. It will be ok but keep an eye on it... There might be some advice in the leaflet about what to do in case of adverse reaction.

Are you able to get to the doctor when you need? If so, decide that if it feels no better by Monday you will ring and make an appointment. If not then ring and talk to them.

Please don't feel even worse about yourself - impulsivity is hard to deal with. I was once walking along in London one night (SOBER!!! Which makes it worse really) and suddenly wondered what it would be like to be blind. I closed my eyes and walked smack into a lamppost, the glass in my glasses (which poked out beyond the frame as they are thick) cut my eyebrow and I ended up having stitches!!! I still have a little bald patch to remind me of the perils of faking disability...

Hope that made you smile a little bit. x

27-09-13, 18:59
I have just looked on the nair bottle (sensitive formula facial brush on) if that is the one you have used Carntcope. Maybe you left it on to long.
I have very sensitive skin and two mins is the longest time for me to leave it on, then I apply savlon cream.
Do what Speranza suggests if no better.

Speranza You are a real tonic xxxxxxxx Not funny at the time though:hugs: