View Full Version : Is anyone online now, PLEASE HELP!!!!

27-10-06, 00:15
have a particuarly stressful day today, for info on my situ please check the general anxiety/ I so dont need this right now post. anyway today had been stressful enough but after spending time with my daughter I forgot the time and realised that I had only about 8 minutes to get the bus so headed down the stairs and along the road to hopefully get the bus, as I was walking to the bus stop the bus came round the corner and headed for the stop, knowing that if I missed it I would have either a long walk or have to get an expensive taxi ride home, so I decided to have a short attempt at running, not really a good idea when your carrying 4 carrier bags of stuff wearing a long thick wool coat and are somewhat overweight, and have lung problems!!!!, I felt awful by the time I managed to stagger to my seat on the bus, feeling somewhat breathless and my heart going like the clappers, this wasnt helped by the fact that there was a heater going at full pelt along the side at the side of the side near the floor, but now that Ive been home a little while and thought about it all Im having some serious pan. atts. convinced that because of what I did Ive strained my heart and gonna have a heart attack. please is anyone there Im almost in tears

27-10-06, 01:04
hey scottie,
i am so sorry that you are having a bad day. look at it this way, at least you caught the bus! i know how you feel about the weight and being hot. i am 5'4, 195 lbs, and i have asthma. i work at a college and to go get the mail or go to the campus store is like running a marathon some days. i have a small fan on my desk and i swear i must turn it off and on at least 20 times a day. i don't know what that is about, but it sucks[Ugh]. anyway, my advice to you is to laugh. it is over. you are now safe and sound back in front of your computer typing away. and this too shall pass.

Remember: Always expect a train!



27-10-06, 01:13
the thing is some years ago I had what is called a double spontanious pnumo thorax ( sounds clever huh) it isnt though it meant that basically both my lungs had collapsed and I was breathing on less than a quater of one lung I was only young then and brushed it off, well you think your infallable when your young huh, well Im now in my 40s I know only too well that I aint infallable and everytime I get probs like that it reminds me of how they collapsed for no reason and could collapse through strain!!, they also mentioned emphysema when I had the op. to re-inflate lungs so Im now convinced that I have this and am too scared to ask gp about it in case he \ she confirms it, what you dont know about cant hurt, though it can just worry you to stupidity anyway ha cant win either way

27-10-06, 01:18
god I wish there was a 24 hr live chat available somewhere so that people could just chat instead of waiting or hoping that someone will read and reply to their post, I know there's one available till 9pm but if you need help after that there isn't anything available is there???

27-10-06, 03:37
Hi hun -
There are usually people here after 9PM central U.S time until around 1AM. Most of the UK members usually are on from 8 or 9 your time until 1AM your time.
If no one is here - there is a 24 hours chat that always has people in it at ...http://www.myanxiety.org/

Hope you are feeling better :)

27-10-06, 04:10
eeyorelover thanks for that I am feeling slightly more calmer mainly by wandering round the boards seeing if there's anyone or any subject I can help, Ive also just taken some more of my rescue remedy and a couple of Kalms along with a cup of horlicks and am now gonna try and find a really boring programme to lie down and watch (shouldnt be too difficult to find something boring on tv esp. this time of night/morning)hopefully then I can manage to get some sleep which Im sure will help as I havent slept hardly all week:(

27-10-06, 13:24
hey Spock,

Hope you got some sleep and are feeling better.

I have to say that if it was me, I would want to know about the state of my lungs.
What's worse, the anxiety of not knowing and always second-guessing or finding out and getting some medical attention if the worst were true?


Take my adrenal gland. Please.

27-10-06, 13:50
Hi pet hope your feeling a bit better now.;)

Ellen XX

27-10-06, 16:13
Hi Spock
WHy dont you join NO Panic.
THey have a helpline that you can call at anytime if you need somebody to talk to
go to www.nopanic.org.uk
very useful and I am doing a telphone course with them for £10

Hope that helps
Pam x

29-10-06, 14:29
Hello Scottie
My name is keith a new member. well I experienced these things as well I was told by friends now your 50 you have to slow down I wizz about everwhere so I thought who is fast who is slow ? well I looked at school kids they seem fast and quick ! then I slowly realised they wander off to school sit in class, adults iron their clothes, feed them, pay the bills, when they get out of school the go mad for 20 minutes then wander home have a nice rest get fed wathc telly and go to bed at 10,
do you know its us that rush about no wonder !
Personally I went to Britsh heart foundation web site and said ok
if your worried change your diet ... I did and feel much better
their wasent anything wrong in the first place, so I thought go see
make sure protect yourself double and eat healthy,
so good news for us If your worried
good food healthy eating move forward
porridge is good as well theat really helped me loose weight

Well I also heard no one ever died from a panic attack
and ive seen this many times

30-10-06, 14:33
I am overweight and unfit and worry when I get out of breath, but I take comfort in the fact that if you watch things like Fit Club, or The Biggest Loser (Living tv) there are very overweight people (20 stone plus) who are being made to do really strenuous exercise and are perfectly ok. They will have had a medical before doing the show, but it must be ok to run about or they wouldn't let them do it. It is because we are so unfit that we feel ill when doing the slightest bit of exercise - it is probably doing us good.

30-10-06, 15:32

Have you tried the Live Chat room on this website atall?

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel
