View Full Version : Pain inbetween shoulder blades

27-09-13, 23:13
Hi I have not been on for a few months but I think I am slipping back into anxiety again ? I have a knawing pain in middle off back and burp an pass wind a lot ? When. I eat it seems to ease it a little ? Went to doc last week and she told me it was my hithus hernia playing up again ? So she examined me and up medication for it ? It helped for a couple of days now it is back again she told me Togo back I case I had an ulcer if it didn't get better when I am walking or standing it doesn't seem to bother me or when lying on my side just really when I am sitting upright and I have to stay of the alcohol which I have done getting myself a bit uptight now can someone reassure me please thanks

28-09-13, 10:07
I had a stool test for an ulcer. I think some places do blood tests..called hylocobacter or something like that.

28-09-13, 18:44
A stool test ???????x

30-09-13, 11:15
Hi it's me again pain between shoulderblades is back again why is it it goes for two days then come back with a vengeance I'm getting really stressed now ? That's twice it has happend thinking I'm getting better but then it comes back ? Please help xx

30-09-13, 12:29
When you are stressed, you tend to hold your body is a bad posture. It can be hunched, or you can automatically tense your shoulders etc and that can end up being painful if you do it for a prolonged period, because the muscles and tendons sort of stay that way. I would feel that the muscle on my left shoulder was pronounced.

I do it all the time and when I think about it I try and correct it it helps, but it makes me realise I have all these little aches and pains from not sitting properly, instead of relaxing my shoulders - I stiffen them up subconsciously, which you do when you're on edge.

When it got really painful I went to an osteopath and got the knots massages out because the muscles wouldn't relax and they went soft again.

30-09-13, 23:02
Hi thanks for your reply ! I get so stressed but why go away for a few days then come back it has sent my anxiety roaring again I was anxiety free for 3 years I don't want to go down that road again I have my S V Q 3 tomorrow and don't want to feel like like this as when I feel like this I just wnt to curl up in my bed bu know I can't ?x