View Full Version : Just want everything to be silent for one day

28-09-13, 03:54
times when you wish everything would shut off in your mind

30-09-13, 02:05
Looney , I can relate :yesyes: I also wish the chatter in my head at night would also shut-up too :)

30-09-13, 18:14
Hi. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.

30-09-13, 18:25
God it would be great if I could shut off my mind too lol. Especially when im trying to sleep. Normally go to bed tired then 3 hours later get up again cos my brain is going 100mph. Uf you come up with any solutions let me know plz

01-10-13, 12:03
Hello and :welcome: to NMP :)

Yes, I too understand what you mean. I have days when I just wish the World would just stop, let me off, then I'll get back on when I feel better :winks:

If I'm feeling a bit down or have anxiety, every bit of noise gets magnified, people sound like they're shouting, traffic sounds really loud and I can't bare the TV on when I'm like that, it seems to shrill through my head :wacko:

I normally take myself off to my bedroom, shut the door, shut the curtains and just have some gently, soft music playing in the background, it's so peaceful :)