View Full Version : Muscles and buzzing anyone?

28-09-13, 09:04
I very rarely these days have full blown panic attacks. But what I'll get is perhaps one or two symptoms.

For the past couple of days without intending to I've noticed I keep tensing my muscles up.

And my legs are painfully achy in the front of my thighs. So much I'm scared to stand as I feel like they won't hold me. They feel like they're burning and sometimes I get a buzzing feeling in my body.

How do we escape this cycle and is it normal? I'm assuming so beings my blood tests were ok apart from low iron?

28-09-13, 09:47
One of my worst symptoms in this buzzing, it's all over inside

28-09-13, 09:54
I get the burning and muscle weakness feeling.

30-09-13, 16:39
Burning and buzzing is my main symptom