View Full Version : Quitting smoking

28-09-13, 10:32
Hi everyone hoping you can help me I have gone from 20 fags to five for a few days down to today of none,what should I expect I know this sounds silly but I'm scared ,will I cough up a lot of gunk? What about a cold people keep saying I will get? Please don't scare me as I'm having really bad has at the moment .thankyou any advice or encouragement would be great .

Daisy Sue
28-09-13, 10:36
Hiya.. I've quit a few times, the most recent being with the help of electronic cigs.. I've never had the 'gunk' thing that people say happens, nor a cold.. the only physical effects I've had were beneficial, breathing easier, no morning cough, & feeling better generally.

You do get the withdrawal jitters though, feeling jumpy and uneasy, which is just the nicotine receptors crying out for their fix, and this will pass with time.

Well done! It's the best thing you'll ever do for yourself :)

28-09-13, 10:58
Thanks daisy I do have an electronic fag for when times get very hard ,stopping smoking is so hard but I hate the has of worrying over the cancers etc,but quitting is so very hard for me.my brother quit and had loads of sore bumps in his mouth,so was just asking to see how soon will I feel better.

28-09-13, 11:28
Same here, I have gunk- it's better to cough it up if you can, or could go on your chest. I have about 5 cigs a day if I am at home. If I am out I have none.
I have electronic cigs and throw away ones.
The next time I see GP I will ask her if the patches will be ok for me to use.
It's stress with me, I feel dirty, but I think I am addicted.

28-09-13, 12:22
I hate that I smoke I'm addicted for sure, I enjoy the smoke and smell but I have has about smoking all the time and end up panicky at night,I've hardly been smoking and cut right down from 20 but I cough up so much phlegm ,everyone keeps saying its a good thing but there's so much and makes me worry ,doctor listened to my chest last week when it was at its worst and chest was all clear.

28-09-13, 12:47
well done on giving up smoking - it is the best thing you can for yourself - I gave up smoking nearly 5 years ago and I did'nt have any gunk etc that people talk about that happens - just the normal cravings etc but after a few weeks those went

good luck x

30-09-13, 01:52
Being diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the head/neck gave me no choice but to quit tobacco. I went to the E-cigs and was able to do so quickly and easily.

Don't wait until you have no choice. Do it NOW!

Good Luck

30-09-13, 09:54
I just had abit of a sore throat and felt cranky for a few days! im quitting with stoptober tomorrow. ahhhhh xx

30-09-13, 11:27
Congratulations on trying to quit! :)

Best thing you will ever do for your health.

I quit 2 years ago and yes I did get some phlegm but that is no problem and nothing to be frightened about. Use any fear you have to remind yourself the only actual danger here is continuing to smoke.

If your lungs want to clear out that is a good thing and feel really pleased with yourself for beating the nicotine demons :) well done!