View Full Version : Anxious...???

28-09-13, 10:56
I don't know why!! This is the one thing I do not understand about anxiety. I've been in a really good place for a long time now but yesterday for no reason whatsoever I started feeling nervous. It's that feeling of being worried about something or thinking something doesn't feel right but not knowing what. It's so bloody frustrating! Suddenly I feel restless, have an internal shake (I hate that feeling) I feel really spaced out & light-headed & I've noticed I'm starting to twitch. It's like all the symptoms that I used to fear had taken a year long holiday but decided that today they're coming 'home' unannounced!!! Grrrrrr :mad:!

28-09-13, 11:18
I am like that meche. I am and feel ok for a period of time then oops a bad day,
dizzy, lethargic, nervous, anxious and confidence goes out the window.:unsure:

28-09-13, 11:35
Me to

28-09-13, 11:50
Must be catching!! Just when you think it's all ok back it comes and bites you on the bum:mad: and nine times out of ten I don't know why, hope it dosnt mess your weekend up meche xx

---------- Post added at 11:50 ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 ----------

Me to

Hi Greg how have you been in yourself this week :)

28-09-13, 15:20
Me as well, random nervousness for no apparent reason, really horrible, I used to try and pinpoint what I thought was causing it but there is no point really as I never know where it stems from . Take Care. xx

28-09-13, 15:58
Thanks guys. I've kept myself busy today & feel a little better but I can't shake of that nervous feeling.... it's giving me heart palps every so often! Also very shaky & jittery. Don't you just love anxiety!! xx

28-09-13, 19:45
I'm the same it's more worrying when it suddenly comes on. I worry about the oddest of things that most people would laugh at.

28-09-13, 20:06
I hate it when you don't know why you're anxious! I suppose a lot of people would just accept and it and not give it a second thought, whereas we worry about worrying.

29-09-13, 01:50
What you're experiencing is VERY common, if that's any consolation. I tend to describe anxiety as a fear or dread of some unseen evil or danger. Out of nowhere you get this sensation that something isn't right, then it progresses to the point where you're literally terrified, but you have no idea why. This is a problem that's plagued people since the dawn of time. Even WAY back, I'm talking thousands of years ago, they had no explanation for the symptoms of anxiety without knowledge of psychiatry, so they attributed it to a fairy (or faun) called Pan who took pleasure in tricking or scaring vulnerable people. They believed he was why people felt afraid for no apparent reason. You can still find traces of that idea today, after all, Pan is where we get the word "Panic" from. You're not crazy, you're experiencing something that humans have had to deal with since time immemorial, and there are plenty of people here who are more than willing to listen and help :)