View Full Version : alcohol and anxiety

28-09-13, 11:14
been off colour for a few days

was out yesterday for birthday drinks

this morning shaking, sweats , dull ache over chest not like normal anxiety chest pain and pins and needles in hands and feet, also occasional stabbing pain in both elbows, left side of hand and my jaw

after not googling thought i would pop here for advice

is it simply a heightened hangover due to my problems with anxiety or should i be more concerned as to visit the hospital

thanks in advance

28-09-13, 12:24
I feel like that the day after I drink. Feels absolutely awful and anxiety goes through the roof! Unfortunately it takes me 2-3 days to feel "normal" again.

28-09-13, 15:44
im on the couch now went out yesterday ment to only have 3 pints stayed out longer than I should of and had more than I should today I feel crap anxiety very bad I feel like im going mad cant think straight and palps dull headache and very frightened Im very close to taking my only dizapan I have I never take it I keep it for a last resort and so far I haven't had to take it has been close a few times. so I will also feel bad for the next couple of days to I also get back to normal what ever normal is lol good luck x

29-09-13, 13:02
thanks everyone, ended up i also had 24hr bug with temp of 104 feeling 100 times better today

05-10-13, 21:40
After I drink the next day is basically a write off for me. I shouldn't really do it to be honest. everything is worse . alcohol, temporary solution haha

16-10-13, 20:21
i know but today all same symptoms but alcohol in last 3 days and felt great monday and tuesday but tonight my jaw keeps getting shooting pains and a dead arm and weird neck pain have me right to square one