View Full Version : Fed up of living such a unhappy life

28-09-13, 14:32
I'm feeling soo down with my life. It's like no matter what I do it is never right. I'm just hating my life. I'm soo lonely xx

28-09-13, 15:39
Hi Hayley,

I'm sorry that you are feeling so low. I know it is not much consolation but I know that feeling well. My life is somewhat of a total mess right now, and I know how hard it is to keep feeling kicked in the guts by life and luck.

Please know you are not alone with those feelings.

I also feel very lonely sometimes. I have a few aquaintances only, and two (kind of) close friends, but one lives in Wales and we chat on FB only and the other lives in Spain, so I only see her a couple of times a year and speak on FB, but they have their lives going on and really can't relate to my conditions, so I feel very lonely sometimes, like you.

Do you have anyone close to you that you can talk with? Even having someone you can offload to is a help. Mind you, please know that so many of us here can relate to you if you need to post like you have today, even to get things out of yourself and into the open. It does help.

Please try not to focus on the bad stuff that you feel if you can. I have suffered from depression and I know how hard it is not to get sucked into that spiral, and keep your head above water. I find that for me -though I don't feel like doing it at the time - any kind of distraction from that heaviness helps.

I know that it is easy for others to tell you to hang in there, and don't let it beat you, but please don't give in to it.

As I said already, you are not alone. Big hugs to you.xxx:hugs::hugs:

28-09-13, 20:44
I know how you feel Hayley, I'm feeling a bit like that as well.

29-09-13, 15:35
I know the feeling, too. Wish I could give you a big hug.

01-10-13, 21:46
Hi Hayley.

I know what that feels like, as I am sure many others on here do too...
Hopefully you can find some solace in the fact that everyone on here has gone through particular hard times and is willing to be a friend and listen! Keep your head up.