View Full Version : keep crying and im a bloke.why

28-09-13, 21:22
Last few days i keep crying over anything..tv shows anything with any emotion in it ..happyness or sadness..watching others being so happy or so sad...everything is setting me off..why and im a 47 year med build bloke..dsnt seem right..if my dister that im living with is nice to me i well up straight away

28-09-13, 21:33
I have days like this Greg where I can cry at anything. I just av to sit and think of certain things and I start. Some would say it was depression mixed with anxiety. I have good and bad days depends what I'm doing and the people I'm around and there mood and reactions to things. I can easily take things personaly

28-09-13, 21:39
Iv had tests for low testosterone and all comes back normal.

28-09-13, 21:46
There is no reason why men shouldn't cry and I think it does you good to let your emotions out. Anxiety can cause heightened sensitivity and you are a sensitive person, nothing wrong with that. Release those emotions Greg, it will do you good.

28-09-13, 22:04
Good for you Greg there is no shame in a man crying it shows what a sensitive caring person you are, I have always felt so much better for a good cry and some days I am so disparate to cry but for some reason it just won't come probably the medication. Let it all out and be proud.
Take care :)

29-09-13, 01:40
I know how you feel, I'm a 24 year old guy, I'm meant to be a bag of testosterone and playing rugby or something, but that's a stereotype :P Crying is nature's release valve. It's meant to make you feel better, and often does. You bag things up in your mind, and when it's full up, it has to purge itself, so you cry. I can't count the number of times I've had to take a "bathroom break" at work to go and have a good cry. I just let it happen, when I'm done, I rinse my face off and get back to work feeling relieved. There's no shame in it. It's a natural response to unpleasant feelings, trying to stop yourself crying will only make it worse, let it out and go to town, you'll feel so much better for it! Put it this way, would you rather me a machine, or a man who is in touch with his emotions and takes the action he needs to take to deal with it like a man? :) If you need to pee, you go pee, crying is no different!

29-09-13, 10:21
Wise words Kutuup..ill try and let it out and not hold it back.as you say iv been bottling lots of sadness up over a long period and its trying to release some tension but im stoping it...thanks guys for all your advice..

29-09-13, 10:58
Why is there a difference between men crying and women crying? I think it's just cultural, crying isn't confined to one sex :)
Have a good bawl.

29-09-13, 14:20
Greg hun, there is absolutely NOTHING!!!! wrong with a man crying.

As has been said, what is the difference?

There are a couple of physical differences between a man and a woman, that's all, but a man has emotions, he can feel, hurt, sad, angry, happy and all the rest, just the same as a woman does.

This all stems from this stupid "British stiff upper lip" crap!!!! when they thought, wrongly, that a man had to be seen as strong, the head of the family and all the rest of the rubbish!!

And to be perfectly honest with you, I think it takes a strong man to be able to cry freely and show his emotions.

So you go ahead sweetie and the other men on this thread too, my psychotherapist told me years ago, that crying is better than any antidepressant or any other drug on the market, because it releases all of the pent up emotion, that often leads to depression and anxiety if it's held in and it also releases the "feel good" hormones too. So what can be better than that? :)

29-09-13, 15:41
Nothing wrong with that Greg.
I cannot cry, but I wish I could, I think I would feel better if I could.

29-09-13, 15:45
Crying is good Greg it's a release, get it out don't keep something in that needs to be out. I've just spent the last 30mins sobbing

29-09-13, 15:49
Sending you hugs Greg and Bernie:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

29-09-13, 15:55
Back to you too Magic :hugs::hugs:

29-09-13, 15:58
Thank you Bernie xx

29-09-13, 17:36
Thanks guys and girls as allways allways reasuring coments:hugs:

29-09-13, 18:43
I cry at everything all the time recently, I think it's nice when men cry personally.
You are just in touch with your emotions, nothing wrong with that.

29-09-13, 19:11
Hey Greg, man or woman..... We are ALL human beings and human beings all have emotions. It's best to let those emotions out. There's no point trying to hold in your emotions, I have paid the price doing that for too many years (thinking that suppressing my feelings was the right thing to do). Let it out, that's my advice & never feel bad for showing emotions :-)