View Full Version : Myoclonic Jerks Epilepsy?

28-09-13, 23:13
To add to my previous threads about the jerks that I experience, I know think I am having proper myoclonic jerks. This started yesterday on the Bus when my foot moved inward, and then just now on the Sofa my toe involuntarily bent downwards. The toe one I'm particularly worried about. Does it sound like a myoclonic jerk?

Thank You .

29-09-13, 00:52
It sounds like a twitch . . We all get those. It seems very far fetched to jump to your conclusions after a couple of twiches/muscle spasms.

29-09-13, 09:44
I would say about the only way you are going to get a really answer is going to the Doctors.

As you know people on here are not medical trained and can only advise on similar problems and also it would even be hard for a doctor to say one way or the other over the internet.

Make the appointment and for the sake of a 10 minute appointment you will have your answer and then you can rest at ease instead of worrying everyday.

Sorry if this sounds harsh to, but even you know this is the way to get it sorted.

My jerks in my legs are more frequent and more violent and the are anywhere form the thigh downwards knee ankle and toes, and sometimes they can go through my whole body.
But to me it points more to a trapped nerve but again it can be hard to get answers even from a doctor as I have brought it up several times and it is just ignored so it cant be anything to bad.

I will give you a report tomorrow as I have an appointment and I will bring this up as a major point of interest.. But I don't think Epilepsy will be mentioned as I have just read up on it and nowhere could I see it mention the lower limbs it mainly says about the upper body and also how come these Spasms/Twitches/Jerks (I will use all 3) happen very frequent I would not expect it to be related to Epilepsy.

And I will ask a question of you have you noticed that they have started or got worse since starting or increasing any medication as mine have got worse when I started Prozac and more so since I have increased.

The following can be caused by SSRIs and can be eased by a switch or introduction of another drug

Involuntary movements. These include tics, muscle spasms, dyskinesia (repetitive muscle movements), parkinsonism (rigid and trembling limbs, a shuffling gait, loss of fine motor control), and akathisia (compulsive restlessness), any of which may be accompanied by severe anxiety

29-09-13, 09:47
Hello again lb, I think it sounds like a twitch tbh. But the only way to know for sure is to go to the drs xx