View Full Version : Can I take the antibiotics I have not yet used ?

29-09-13, 01:03
Hi all. Sorry if this is long.

I went to the doctors two months ago due to bringing up blood all the time, I was given antibiotics just in case it was due to a sinus infection, but it took 48 hours before I could get the pills from the chemist. The day before this I stopped coughing up blood, so I didn't bother taking the pills, especially as the doc wasn't sure it was an infection, it was just in case.

So all was well for a month. Then last month I wake up being sensitive to sounds. I assume it is due to wax in my ear and I use a home water syringe kit to try and remove it. No joy. Two hours later I suffer the worst balance problems I have ever had, I stand up from my chair and can't walk properly, I felt like I was on a loose rope bridge or sinking boat deck. The next day this reduced a bit. I see the doc, he confirms impacted ear wax and said this is likely the cause of balance problems. Had to wait a week to get my ear cleaned. By the time the day comes for my ear to be cleaned by the nurse, I feel 99% fine. But then when the water hit my ear I got awful nausea and bad balance again.

It has been almost 2 weeks since then, and I still feel awful, the floor doesn't feel solid, it is terrible when I get out of a chair or bed. The nausea and headache makes me feel so sick.

So I thought, just in case this is a continuation of an infection and wasn't due to the wax, would it be okay to take the antibiotics I haven't yet taken, even though this is for a different reason ? I would have to wait yet another week for a doctors appointment, and headache or sea sick tablets aren't helping me, so I wanted to try something in the meantime.

The reason I am posting here is I have suffered anxiety issues for years, and I am concerned taking the tablets may cause more harm than good, when I know they probably won't.

Any ideas ? Thanks all.

29-09-13, 01:10
Personally I do not think it is a good idea to take them unless the GP advises they are needed.

29-09-13, 01:24
I have to agree with Nicola.

I wouldn't take them, not purely just from a safety point of view, but also because they may be useless for what you want to treat, and you would be taking them needlessly.

Specific antibiotics work on specific things, unless it is what is called a broad spectrum antibiotic which covers loads of different infections, so I think in all honesty it is better if you can to get your doctor to see you again and all of your current symptoms and decide on a course of treatment.

I know it is very tempting to treat yourself when you have meds, but it isn't worth it if it doesn't help you in the long run.

Hope you feel better soon.:winks: